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DictionarySeeneuralgiaMorton neuralgia
Morton neuroma (mōr'tŏn), a painful, tender focal mass lesion on one of the plantar interdigital nerves of the foot, most often that which is situated between the third and fourth metatarsal bones; attributed to either compression of the nerve between the heads of the adjacent metacarpal bones, or traction being placed on the nerve as it crosses the anterior edge of the deep transverse metatarsal ligament. Synonym(s): Morton metatarsalgia, Morton neuralgiaMor·ton neu·ral·gi·a (mōr'tŏn nūr-al'jē-ă) Neuralgia of an interdigital nerve, usually the anastomotic branch between the medial and lateral plantar nerves, resulting from compression of the nerve by the metatarsophalangeal joint. Morton neuralgiaPain in the metatarsal area due to a fallen transverse arch with pressure on the lateral plantar nerve. See: metatarsalgiaSee also: Morton, Thomas GeorgeMorton, Thomas George, U.S. physician, 1835-1903. Morton bandageMorton disease - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton foot - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton interdigital neuromaMorton nerve entrapment syndrome - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton neuralgia - neuralgia of an interdigital nerve. Synonym(s): Morton disease; Morton foot; Morton neuroma; Morton nerve entrapment syndrome; Morton toeMorton neuroma - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton ophthalmoscopeMorton signMorton testMorton toe - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton toe support |