Morton syndrome

Mor·ton syn·drome

(mōr'tŏn), congenital shortening of the first metatarsal causing metatarsalgia.

Mor·ton syn·drome

(mōr'tŏn sin'drōm) Congenital shortening of the first metatarsal causing metatarsalgia.

Morton, Dudley Joy

(mort'on) U.S. orthopedic surgeon, 1884–1960.

Morton disease

Morton toe.MORTON TOE

Morton toe

A seldom-used term for shortening of a metatarsal bone, usually the first metatarsal, or the pain around that bone caused by such a shortening (metatarsalgia) or the pain along the course of the nearby nerve (neuralgia). The condition is sometimes but not always congenital. Synonym: Morton syndrome; Morton toe See: illustration

Morton syndrome

Morton toe.


Dudley J., U.S. orthopedist, 1884-1960. Morton syndrome - congenital shortening of the first metatarsal, causing metatarsalgia.