Morton, Thomas George

Morton, Thomas George

(mort'on) U.S. surgeon, 1835–1903.

Morton neuralgia

Pain in the metatarsal area due to a fallen transverse arch with pressure on the lateral plantar nerve. See: metatarsalgia

Morton neuroma

A neuroma-like mass of the neurovascular bundle of the intermetatarsal spaces. Synonym: interdigital neuropathy


Thomas George, U.S. physician, 1835-1903. Morton bandageMorton disease - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton foot - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton interdigital neuromaMorton nerve entrapment syndrome - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton neuralgia - neuralgia of an interdigital nerve. Synonym(s): Morton disease; Morton foot; Morton neuroma; Morton nerve entrapment syndrome; Morton toeMorton neuroma - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton ophthalmoscopeMorton signMorton testMorton toe - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton toe support