Morton toe

Mor·ton toe

a particular form of metatarsalgia caused by enlargement of the digital nerve. Compare: Morton syndrome.

Mor·ton toe

(mōr'tŏn tō) Anatomic anomaly wherein the second toe is longer than the great toe.

Morton toe

A seldom-used term for shortening of a metatarsal bone, usually the first metatarsal, or the pain around that bone caused by such a shortening (metatarsalgia) or the pain along the course of the nearby nerve (neuralgia). The condition is sometimes but not always congenital. Synonym: Morton syndrome; Morton toe See: illustrationSee also: Morton, Dudley Joy


Thomas George, U.S. physician, 1835-1903. Morton bandageMorton disease - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton foot - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton interdigital neuromaMorton nerve entrapment syndrome - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton neuralgia - neuralgia of an interdigital nerve. Synonym(s): Morton disease; Morton foot; Morton neuroma; Morton nerve entrapment syndrome; Morton toeMorton neuroma - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton ophthalmoscopeMorton signMorton testMorton toe - Synonym(s): Morton neuralgiaMorton toe support