Acronym | Definition |
NBM➣National Building Museum |
NBM➣New Business Model (various organizations) |
NBM➣Neighborhood Based Mobility |
NBM➣Network and Bandwidth Manager |
NBM➣Nodal Bandwidth Manager |
NBM➣Notebook Manager |
NBM➣Novell Border Manager |
NBM➣Narrowband Multiplexer |
NBM➣Nomenclatura Brasileira de Mercadorias (Portuguese: Brazilian Nomenclature of Goods; Decree Law Number 1154; Brazil) |
NBM➣National Bank of Moldova |
NBM➣Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine (publisher) |
NBM➣Nil by Mouth |
NBM➣National Bank of Malawi |
NBM➣New Buffalo (Amtrak station code; New Buffalo, MI) |
NBM➣New Beginnings Movement |
NBM➣Nothing By Mouth |
NBM➣Norwegian Black Metal (music genre) |
NBM➣Never Been Married |
NBM➣Needs Beyond Medicine (Salt Lake City, UT) |
NBM➣Northern Boreal Mountains (Canada) |
NBM➣Nothing But Microsoft |
NBM➣Neo-Black Movement |
NBM➣New Believer's Ministry (Africa) |
NBM➣Neo-Black Movement of Africa |
NBM➣Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars (Dutch: Netherlands Bureau of Motor Insurers) |
NBM➣New Beginnings Missions (Gulfport, MS) |
NBM➣Not Before Midnight (Architecture, Design & Science) |
NBM➣Narrowband Manager |
NBM➣New Business Memorandum |
NBM➣Non-Breeding Migrant (ornithology) |