释义 |
gan·gli·on, pl. gan·gli·a, gan·gli·ons (gang'glē-on, -glē-ă, -glē-onz), 1. Originally, any group of nerve cell bodies in the central or peripheral nervous system; currently, an aggregation of nerve cell bodies located in the peripheral nervous system. Synonym(s): nerve ganglion, neural ganglion, neuroganglion2. A cyst containing mucopolysaccharide-rich fluid within fibrous tissue or, occasionally, muscle bone or a semilunar cartilage; usually attached to a tendon sheath in the hand, wrist, or foot, or connected with the underlying joint. Synonym(s): myxoid cyst, peritendinitis serosa, synovial cyst [G. a swelling or knot] gan·gli·on, pl. ganglia, pl. ganglions (gang'glē-ŏn, -ă, -ŏnz) 1. [TA] An aggregation of nerve cell bodies located in the peripheral nervous system. Synonym(s): neuroganglion. 2. A cyst containing mucopolysaccharide-rich fluid within a fibrous capsule; usually attached to a tendon sheath in the hand, wrist, or foot, or connected with the underlying joint. Synonym(s): myxoid cyst, synovial cyst. [G. a swelling or knot]neuroganglion (nū″rō-găn′glē-ōn) A group of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system. |