a city, the center of Lyskovo Raion, Gorky Oblast, RSFSR. It is located on the right bank of the Volga River, on the Moscow-Kazan highway, 65 km northwest of the Sergach railroad station. Population, 22,000 (1971).
Lyskovo has a factory that produces electrotechnical equipment for automobiles and tractors, a metal accessories factory, food industries (a beer brewery, a canning plant, a butter and cheese plant), a stitch-embroidery and stocking and knitwear factory, and a construction materials industry (brickworks, building materials combine). There is an evening technicum for automechanics. The city has the remains of a Russian fortress of the, 14th-16th centuries, the Spaso-Preobrazhenskii Cathedral (1711), and Voznesen’e Church (1838).