muscle biopsy

muscle biopsy

A biopsy from muscle in patients with symptoms attributable to neuromuscular disease, which may be primary (e.g., dystrophies or myopathies), secondary (e.g., drug-related, endocrine, neurologic or muscular) or systemic (e.g., necrotising vasculitis).
Special studies
Biochemical analysis, EM, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, molecular tests; the site selection is critical, as is handling and transport.
Role of muscle biopsy
Differentiate between neurologic and myopathic disease; diagnose myositis, degenerative disease (Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy), or conditions induced by exogenous toxins (e.g., alcohol-induced polymyopathy).

muscle biopsy

A method of diagnosis of muscle disorders in which a small sample of muscle is removed for microscopic and sometimes electron microscopic examination. Muscle biopsy can provide valuable information on conditions such as MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, MALNUTRITION, ALCOHOLISM and various endocrine disorders. Electron microscopy can reveal important abnormalities in the ultrastructure of muscle cells, especially in the MITOCHONDRIA.