Acronym | Definition |
OBO➣Or Best Offer (used in for sale ads) |
OBO➣On Behalf Of |
OBO➣Oboe (music scores) |
OBO➣Omo Baba Olowo (Davido album) |
OBO➣Observation (UK) |
OBO➣Open Biomedical Ontologies |
OBO➣Open Ball Operator |
OBO➣One by One |
OBO➣One By One (animal rescue) |
OBO➣One by One (competitive figure skating scoring) |
OBO➣Orange Blossom Opry (music showcase; Florida) |
OBO➣Overseas Buildings Operations (US Department of State) |
OBO➣Oil/Bulk/Ore (carrier ships description) |
OBO➣Oil Bulk Ore |
OBO➣Order Book Official |
OBO➣Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis |
OBO➣Owner Buy Out |
OBO➣off by one (arithmetic error) |
OBO➣On Basis Of |
OBO➣Over-By-Over (Cricket sport) |
OBO➣Our Best Offer |
OBO➣Obihiro, Japan - Obihiro (Airport Code) |
OBO➣Open Biological Ontology |
OBO➣Output Backoff |
OBO➣Operated By Others |
OBO➣Official Business Only |
OBO➣On Buyout (auctioning services) |
OBO➣Outdoor Box Office Ltd. |
OBO➣Office of Business Oversight |
OBO➣Orbis Biblicus et Orientalensis (German) |
OBO➣Outboard Officer |
OBO➣Obviously Beaten Opponent |
OBO➣Owned by Owner |
OBO➣One Ball Only |