

单词 mos



abbr.1. metal-oxide semiconductor2. military occupational specialty


abbreviation for (Electronics) metal oxide silicon


metal oxide semiconductor.




Mom over shoulder
IdiomsSeemos def



(solid-state physics) metal oxide semiconductor


Metal Oxide Semiconductor


(1) (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) See MOSFET.

(2) (Mean Opinion Score) The quality of a digitized voice line. It is a subjective measurement that is derived entirely by people listening to the calls and scoring the results from 1 to 5. Toll quality audio is generally considered to have a MOS rating of 4 and above.

The MOS is an average of the numbers for a particular codec. Because MOS testing requires carefully prepared and controlled test conditions, the best way to get a MOS test done is to have it outsourced. See codec.

An Objective Model
The E-Model is another rating system that provides an objective measurement of quality based on packet loss, jitter and delay. The E-Model reports results as R-values. Following is an approximate relationship between MOS and E-Model quality ratings.

Subjective Interpretation MOS R Perfect 5.0 100 Excellent - almost all satisfied 4.5 90 Very good - most are satisfied 4.0 80 Good - some are dissatisfied 3.6 70 Fair - many are dissatisfied 3.1 60 Poor - most are dissatisfied 2.6 50 Bad - not recommended 1.0 0


MOSMilitary Occupational Specialty (US Army)
MOSMetal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOSMicrosoft Office Specialist
MOSMean Opinion Score
MOSMinistry of Sound (London Night Club)
MOSMuseum of Science (Boston, MA)
MOSMan of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS)
MOSMan On the Street (type of interview)
MOSMargin of Safety
MOSManual of Style
MOSMates of State (band)
MOSMy Oracle Support (software)
MOSMambo Open Source
MOSMiracle of Science (science fiction)
MOSMaterial On Site
MOSMedical Outcomes Study
MOSMoment of Silence
MOSMotorways of the Sea (EU)
MOSModel Output Statistics
MOSMeasure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL)
MOSMaster Operating System
MOSMagneto Optic Storage
MOSMobile Office System
MOSMission Operation System
MOSMinimum Operating System
MOSMobile Office Support
MOSMetal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSManaged Objects
MOSMultiuser Operating System
MOSMultiprogramming Operating System
MOSModular Optical Scanner
MOSMobile Office Suite
MOSManagement Operating System
MOSMotor Operated Switch
MOSMade of Steel
MOSMission Operations System (US NASA)
MOSMilitary One Source (US DoD)
MOSMember of the Opposite Sex
MOSMedical Office Specialist
MOSMaryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD)
MOSMobile Operating System
MOSMaintenance Operations Squadron
MOSMother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school)
MOSMulti-Object Spectrograph
MOSMarine Observation Satellite
MOSMom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder)
MOSMacintosh Operating System
MOSMedia Object Server
MOSMulti-Object Spectrometer
MOSMinimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations)
MOSMarried out of Society (Quaker religion)
MOSMultimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation)
MOSMu Online Server
MOSMember of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer)
MOSMonthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database)
MOSMake Out Session
MOSMatter of Size
MOSManual of Standards
MOSMedical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
MOSMonthly Operational Summary
MOSManaged Office Solutions (UK)
MOSMember of Service (police)
MOSMittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy)
MOSMichigan Office Solutions (est. 1957)
MOSMission of Service
MOSMajor Orthopedic Surgery
MOSMinimum Operating Strip
MOSMic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
MOSMic-O-Say (Tribe)
MOSMargin on Services (insurance)
MOSMIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System)
MOSMethod of Statement
MOSMode Of Shipment
MOSMini Operating System
MOSMajor Operating System
MOSMulti-Beam Optical Sensor
MOSMichael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA)
MOSMarineoperationsschule (German Navy school)
MOSMother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct)
MOSMilitary Occupation Skill
MOSMassachusetts Orchid Society
MOSMichigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI)
MOSMethod Of Supply
MOSMobility Operations School
MOSMy Own Science (education program)
MOSMilitary Operations Specialist (FAA)
MOSMetal Oxide Substrate
MOSManaged Operations Services (various companies)
MOSMountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain)
MOSMaintenance Out of Service
MOSManually Operated Switch (railroads)
MOSMinimum Operating Standard
MOSMaritime Observation Satellite
MOSMotion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape)
MOSMute on Sound
MOSManned Orbital Station
MOSMinimum Operational Sensitivity
MOSMaintenance Override Switch
MOSMarked Out of Stock
MOSManagement Operations Staff
MOSMarine Occupational Standard
MOSMilitary Oceanography Subcommittee
MOSManual Observing System
MOSMapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education)
MOSMalibu Orchid Society, Inc.
MOSMit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog)
MOSMeasure Of Suitability/Stability
MOSMinus Optical Strip (acting)
MOSMadonna of the Streets
MOSMANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software)
MOSMaterial Ordering Schedule
MOSMaterials Ordering System
MOSMilitary Obligated Service
MOSModulated Orthogonal Sequence
MOSMission Operational Specialty
MOSMorph Operating System
MOSMain Object Size
MOSMultifunctional Operator System
MOSMultiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian)
MOSMovable Oil Saturation
MOSMonitor Only Stations
MOSManually Out of Service
MOSModine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.)
MOSModetti Office Services (Singapore)




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