Acronym | Definition |
MOS➣Months |
MOS➣Military Occupational Specialty (US Army) |
MOS➣Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
MOS➣Microsoft Office Specialist |
MOS➣Mean Opinion Score |
MOS➣Ministry of Sound (London Night Club) |
MOS➣Museum of Science (Boston, MA) |
MOS➣Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS) |
MOS➣Man On the Street (type of interview) |
MOS➣Margin of Safety |
MOS➣Manual of Style |
MOS➣Mates of State (band) |
MOS➣My Oracle Support (software) |
MOS➣Mambo Open Source |
MOS➣Miracle of Science (science fiction) |
MOS➣Material On Site |
MOS➣Medical Outcomes Study |
MOS➣Moment of Silence |
MOS➣Motorways of the Sea (EU) |
MOS➣Model Output Statistics |
MOS➣Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL) |
MOS➣Master Operating System |
MOS➣Magneto Optic Storage |
MOS➣Mobile Office System |
MOS➣Mission Operation System |
MOS➣Minimum Operating System |
MOS➣Mobile Office Support |
MOS➣Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
MOS➣Managed Objects |
MOS➣Multiuser Operating System |
MOS➣Multiprogramming Operating System |
MOS➣Modular Optical Scanner |
MOS➣Mobile Office Suite |
MOS➣Management Operating System |
MOS➣Metal-Oxide-Silicon |
MOS➣Motor Operated Switch |
MOS➣Made of Steel |
MOS➣Mission Operations System (US NASA) |
MOS➣Military One Source (US DoD) |
MOS➣Member of the Opposite Sex |
MOS➣Medical Office Specialist |
MOS➣Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD) |
MOS➣Mobile Operating System |
MOS➣Maintenance Operations Squadron |
MOS➣Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school) |
MOS➣Multi-Object Spectrograph |
MOS➣Marine Observation Satellite |
MOS➣Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder) |
MOS➣Macintosh Operating System |
MOS➣Media Object Server |
MOS➣Multi-Object Spectrometer |
MOS➣Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; various locations) |
MOS➣Married out of Society (Quaker religion) |
MOS➣Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation) |
MOS➣Mu Online Server |
MOS➣Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer) |
MOS➣Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database) |
MOS➣Make Out Session |
MOS➣Matter of Size |
MOS➣Manual of Standards |
MOS➣Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
MOS➣Monthly Operational Summary |
MOS➣Managed Office Solutions (UK) |
MOS➣Member of Service (police) |
MOS➣Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy) |
MOS➣Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957) |
MOS➣Mission of Service |
MOS➣Major Orthopedic Surgery |
MOS➣Minimum Operating Strip |
MOS➣Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) |
MOS➣Mic-O-Say (Tribe) |
MOS➣Margin on Services (insurance) |
MOS➣MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) |
MOS➣Method of Statement |
MOS➣Mode Of Shipment |
MOS➣Mini Operating System |
MOS➣Major Operating System |
MOS➣Multi-Beam Optical Sensor |
MOS➣Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA) |
MOS➣Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school) |
MOS➣Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct) |
MOS➣Military Occupation Skill |
MOS➣Massachusetts Orchid Society |
MOS➣Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI) |
MOS➣Method Of Supply |
MOS➣Mobility Operations School |
MOS➣My Own Science (education program) |
MOS➣Military Operations Specialist (FAA) |
MOS➣Metal Oxide Substrate |
MOS➣Managed Operations Services (various companies) |
MOS➣Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain) |
MOS➣Maintenance Out of Service |
MOS➣Manually Operated Switch (railroads) |
MOS➣Minimum Operating Standard |
MOS➣Maritime Observation Satellite |
MOS➣Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape) |
MOS➣Mute on Sound |
MOS➣Manned Orbital Station |
MOS➣Minimum Operational Sensitivity |
MOS➣Maintenance Override Switch |
MOS➣Marked Out of Stock |
MOS➣Management Operations Staff |
MOS➣Marine Occupational Standard |
MOS➣Military Oceanography Subcommittee |
MOS➣Manual Observing System |
MOS➣Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education) |
MOS➣Malibu Orchid Society, Inc. |
MOS➣Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog) |
MOS➣Measure Of Suitability/Stability |
MOS➣Minus Optical Strip (acting) |
MOS➣Madonna of the Streets |
MOS➣MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System (open source software) |
MOS➣Material Ordering Schedule |
MOS➣Materials Ordering System |
MOS➣Military Obligated Service |
MOS➣Modulated Orthogonal Sequence |
MOS➣Mission Operational Specialty |
MOS➣Morph Operating System |
MOS➣Main Object Size |
MOS➣Multifunctional Operator System |
MOS➣Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian) |
MOS➣Movable Oil Saturation |
MOS➣Monitor Only Stations |
MOS➣Manually Out of Service |
MOS➣Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.) |
MOS➣Modetti Office Services (Singapore) |