LAMB syndrome

LAMB syn·drome

the concurrence of lentigines, atrial myxoma, mucocutaneous myxomas, and blue nevi.
See also: NAME syndrome.
An autosomal dominant [MIM 160980] clinical triad of young adult onset, which consists of spotty mucocutaneous Lentigenes, cutaneous and cardiac—Atrial Myxomas—and Blue nevi, endocrine hyperactivity, multifocal myxoid fibroadenomas of breast, adrenocortical hyperplasia and calcifying Sertoli cell tumours of testes

LAMB syndrome

Carney's complex An AD clinical triad of young adult onset, which consists of spotty mucocutaneous Lentigenes, cutaneous and cardiac–Atrial Myxomas, and Blue nevi, endocrine hyperactivity, multifocal myxoid fibroadenomas of breast, adrenocortical hyperplasia and calcifying Sertoli cell tumors of testes. Cf NAME syndrome.