Acronym | Definition |
NBP➣Narodowy Bank Polski (Polish: National Bank of Poland) |
NBP➣Narodowego Banku Polskiego (Polish: Polish National Bank) |
NBP➣National Bank of Pakistan |
NBP➣National Braille Press |
NBP➣Natexis Banques Populaires (French banking group) |
NBP➣National Biosolids Partnership |
NBP➣Name Binding Protocol |
NBP➣Network Boot Protocol |
NBP➣Network Border Patrol |
NBP➣Network Bootstrap Program |
NBP➣Network Boot Program (computer troubleshooting) |
NBP➣Nighthawk Black Pearl (Honda auto color) |
NBP➣New Black Panthers (political group) |
NBP➣Nathaniel B. Palmer (Antarctic Research Support Vessel - USAP) |
NBP➣National Balancing Point (UK) |
NBP➣Normal Boiling Point |
NBP➣National Bank Products (Georgia) |
NBP➣New Business Profit (business measurement) |
NBP➣Neue Bahntechnik Paderborn (German: New Rail Technology Paderborn; University of Paderborn; Paderborn, Germany) |
NBP➣National Business Park |
NBP➣NetBIOS Protocol |
NBP➣Noninvasive Blood Pressure |
NBP➣Network Boundary Point |
NBP➣Net Biome Production |
NBP➣Newport Blue Pearl (Subaru paint color) |
NBP➣National Business Publications |
NBP➣Network Binding Protocol |
NBP➣Naval Beach Party |
NBP➣Alliance Media National Business Partnership (Russia) |
NBP➣Needle Biopsy of Prostate (medical procedure) |
NBP➣Narrow Band Preprocessor |
NBP➣Network Bridge Processor |
NBP➣Naked Batting Practice (nickname for Minnesota Twins Catcher Mike Redmond) |
NBP➣Neighborhood Broadcast Problem |
NBP➣News Babe Page |