

 [lam″ĭ-nag´rah-fe] a special technique of body-section roentgenography.


, laminography (lam'i-nog'ră-fē, lam'i-nog'ră-fē), Radiographic technique in which the images of tissues above and below the plane of interest are blurred out by reciprocal movement of the x-ray tube and film holder, to show a specific area more clearly.
See also: tomography.
[lamina + G. graphē, a writing]


, laminography (lam'i-nag'ră-fē, -nog'ră-fē) Radiographic technique in which the images of tissues above and below the plane of interest are blurred out by reciprocal movement of the x-ray tube and film holder, to show a specific area more clearly. [G. lamina, layer. + G. graphē, a writing]


, laminography (lam'i-nag'ră-fē, -nog'ră-fē) Radiographic technique in which the images of tissues above and below plane of interest are blurred out by reciprocal movement of x-ray tube and film holder, to clarify a specific area. [G. lamina, layer. + G. graphē, a writing]