lingual salivary gland depression

lin·gual sal·i·var·y gland de·pres·sion

an indentation on the lingual surface of the mandible within which a portion of the submandibular gland lies; it appears radiographically as a sharply circumscribed ovoid radiolucency between the mandibular canal and the inferior border of the posterior mandible. Synonym(s): Stafne bone cyst, static bone cyst


Edward C., U.S. oral pathologist, 1894-1981. Stafne bone cyst - an indentation on the lingual surface of the mandible within which lies a portion of the submandibular gland. Synonym(s): lingual salivary gland depression

lin·gual sal·i·var·y gland de·pres·sion

(linggwăl sali-var-ē gland dĕ-preshŭn) Indentation on lingual surface of mandible within which part of submandibular gland lies; appears radiographically as a sharply circumscribed ovoid radiolucency.