lingula of mandible

lin·gu·la of man·di·ble

[TA] a pointed tongue of bone overlapping the mandibular foramen, giving attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament. Synonym(s): lingula mandibulae [TA], mandibular tongue, Spix spine

lingula of mandible

The projection of bone that forms the medial boundary of the mandibular foramen and gives attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament.See also: lingula


Johann B., German anatomist, 1781-1826. Spix spine - a pointed tongue of bone overlapping the mandibular foramen, giving attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament. Synonym(s): lingula of mandible

lin·gu·la of man·di·ble

(linggyū-lă mandi-bĕl) [TA] Pointed tongue of bone overlapping mandibular foramen, giving attachment to sphenomandibular ligament.
Synonym(s): mandibular tongue.