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met·a·chro·ma·tism M0244100 (mĕt′ə-krō′mə-tĭz′əm)n. A change in color caused by variation of the physical conditions to which a body is subjected, especially such a change caused by variation in temperature. met′a·chro·mat′ic (-măt′ĭk) adj.metachromatism (ˌmɛtəˈkrəʊməˌtɪzəm) n (Biology) a change in colour, esp when caused by a change in temperature[C19: from meta- + chromato- + -ism]metachromatismchange in color, especially as a result of change in temperature.See also: Colormetachromatism
metachromatism[¦med·ə′krō·mə ‚tiz·əm] (chemistry) metachromasia metachromatism
metachromasia [met″ah-kro-ma´zhah] 1. failure to stain true with a given stain.2. the different coloration of different tissues produced by the same stain.3. change of color produced by staining. adj., adj metachromat´ic.met·a·chro·ma·tism (met-ă-krō'mă-tizm), 1. Any color change, whether natural or produced by basic aniline dyes. 2. Synonym(s): metachromasia (1) [meta- + G. chrōma, color] met·a·chro·ma·tism (met'ă-krō'mă-tizm) 1. Any color change, whether natural or produced by basic aniline dyes. 2. Synonym(s): metachromasia (1) . [meta- + G. chrōma, color]metachromasia, metachromatism (mĕt″ă-krō-mā′zē-ă) (-krōm′ă-tĭzm) [Gr. meta, change, + chroma, color] Histological staining in which one stain may produce a variety of colors in the tissues. The colors are different from that of the dye used. metachromatic (mĕt″ă-krō-măt′ĭk), adjective |