Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow Power Engineering Institute


one of the largest research and educational institutions in the USSR for the study of power engineering and electromechanics. Its history dates to 1905, when the Moscow Higher Technical School began training electrical engineers. In 1918 the electrical engineering major was made into a department, which in 1930 was combined with the electrical and industrial department of the V. G. Plekhanov Moscow Institute of the National Economy to form the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Among the organizers of the institute were Professors K. A. Krug, L. I. Sirotinskii, and B. I. Ugrimov, who took part in drawing up the GOELRO (State Commission for the Electrification of Russia) plan. In 1967 the Volga Branch of the institute served as the basis for the establishment of the I. N. Ul’ianov Chuvash University.

In 1973 the Moscow Power Engineering Institute had departments of electric power engineering, electromechanics, electrification and automation of industry and transportation, machine building for power engineering, industrial heat and power engineering, automation and computer technology, electronic engineering, and radio engineering. It also had seven evening departments (with the same subject areas as the day departments, except for the departments of machine building for power engineering and industrial heat and power engineering), a department for advanced training of teachers at higher educational institutions, a preparatory division, a graduate school, branches in Smolensk and Kazan’, 78 subdepartments, 14 special problem laboratories; ten sectorial laboratories, a heat and electric power plant for experiments and teaching, a computer center, and an educational television center. The main library has 1.8 million holdings.

During the 1972–73 academic year, 25, 000 students were studying at the institute. The teaching staff numbered 1, 800, including Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. A. Kirillin, V. A. Kotel’nikov, and A. A. Styrikovich and Corresponding Members A. F. Bogomolov, G. N. Petrov, and V. I. Siforov; Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR V. A. Fabrikant; 140 professors and doctors of sciences; and more than 800 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute confers candidate’s and doctoral degrees. More than 50 symposia describing the results of scientific research are published each year. During the years of Soviet power, the institute has trained 60, 000 engineers. It was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1940.