Moscow State University, Second
Moscow State University, Second
a university founded in 1918 through the reorganization of the Moscow Advanced Courses for Women, founded in 1872, which had departments of history and philology, physics and mathematics, and medicine.
Among the first professors at the university were D. N. Anu-chin, Iu. V. Got’e, N. D. Vinogradov, S. P. Vinogradov, N. D. Zelinskii, A. A. Manuilov, P. I. Novgorodtsev, B. K. Mlodzievskii, S. S. Nametkin, V. I. Picheta, M. M. Pokrovskii, A. N. Reformatskii, M. N. Rozanov, P. N. Sakulin, M. N. Speranskii, S. A. Chaplygin, G. I. Chelpanov, and A. A. Eikhenval’d.
In 1919 one of the country’s first workers’ schools (rabfak) opened at the university, the Prechistenka Courses for Workers. In 1921 a department of pedagogy was established at the university with sections of sociology and economics, literature and linguistics, physics and mathematics, biology and geography, preschool and, later, school pedagogy, and defectology. An educational research institute was organized within the department of pedagogy in 1926.
In the 1920’s the university’s faculty included P. S. Aleksandrov, P. O. Afanas’ev, N. N. Baranskii, A. S. Barkov, P. P. Blonskii, V. V. Vinogradov, L. S. Vygotskii, B. B. Grave, B. F. Dobrynin, A. G. Kalashnikov, V. P. Kashchenko, K. N. Kornilov, G. S. Landsberg, E. N. Medynskii, M. V. Nechkina, M. N. Peterson, A. M. Peshkovskii, A. P. Pinkevich, M. N. Pokrovskii, P. A. Rebinder, A. A. Rybnikov, A. M. Selishchev, P. I. Stuchka, I. E. Tamm, N. V. Chekhov, S. T. Shatskii, A. V. Shestakov, O. Iu. Shmidt, V. N. Shul’gin, V. G. Fesenkov, and A. Ia. Khinchin.
In 1930 the university was divided into three autonomous higher educational institutions: the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, the Second Moscow Medical Institute, and the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. The Second Moscow State University trained more than 9, 000 specialists, including some 6, 000 physicians, 2, 100 educators, and about 1, 000 chemists.