
(redirected from M3 Money Supply)
Related to M3 Money Supply: M2 Money Supply, M1 Money Supply
  • noun

Words related to M3

noun a measure of the money supply

Related Words

  • money supply
References in periodicals archiveMoreover, if estimates of growth in foreign currency holdings are deleted for this three year period, the adjusted M3 money supply actually fell by about $7 billion (-0.2%).An innovative money multiplierA bigger-than-expected rise in the euro-zone M3 money supply data for July, announced Tuesday, somewhat dimmed the likelihood of a cut, dealers said.Dollar falls to 119 yen territory in TokyoConstantly pressured to lower interest rates, the ECB received some support on April 30 for its wait-and-see policy as a result of money supply figures showing that inflation is not fully under control in the Euro zone.ECB figures show that the M3 money supply has risen much faster than predicted in March.EMU: EURO UNDERVALUED, SAYS TRICHETWith inflation at 2.1 per cent, just above the ECB's ceiling, M3 money supply running well above target, and the euro near record lows, economists were unanimous that rates in euroland were headed higher.Timing is key to interest rise; Bank delays to avoid euro panicAvailable data and surveys of the industrial sectors suggested low inflation and weak current activity, which, coupled with weak M3 money supply growth, contributed to lower economic growth forecasts and increased expectations for monetary easing in Germany.Treasury and Federal Reserve foreign exchange operationsSaudi Arabia's M3 money supply growth slowed to 10.9 percent year-on-year at the end of December from 13.5 percent in the previous month.$141bn FDI: Kingdom leads in Middle EastBut for the second consecutive month, M3 money supply dropped 0.7 per cent in June versus May, to record
Dh1.06 trillion.UAE money supply soars 12.2% in JuneSaudi Arabian M3 money supply growth accelerated to 3.4 percent in June, the first time its pace has increased since September, the central bank said on its website todaySaudi Arabia : Saudi M3 money supply growth accelerates 3.4% in JuneIt is noteworthy that annual growth in M3 money supply slowed for a sixth straight month in March and private sector lending stepped up its recovery as banks cast aside fears about the soundness of local firms.SAMA enhances liquidity to boost banking inancingAt the monetary level, M3 money supply rose, over the first two months of 2010, by 2.2% compared to its level at end December 2009.Economic and financial situation according BCTAs far as money market is concerned, M3 money supply has also increased to 3 points as well as economy by the end of the 9 months of 2009 to reach 9.7% compared to 7.8% in 2008.Tunisian Central Bank maintains key interest rateOn Thursday, the bank published M3 money supply figures, a key indicator of credit and demand, which continued a five-month downward trend, showing a lack of inflationary pressure.Steady as she goes for ECB as green shoots blossom