Acronym | Definition |
NC➣North Carolina (US postal abbreviation) |
NC➣Network Computer |
NC➣New Castle (Indiana) |
NC➣Network(ed) Computer |
NC➣North Central (High School) |
NC➣Normally Closed (switch or valve) |
NC➣National Center (Crystal City, Arlington, VA) |
NC➣No Credit (college transcript) |
NC➣National Committee |
NC➣No Change |
NC➣New Caledonia |
NC➣Nassau County |
NC➣No Comment |
NC➣Numerical Control |
NC➣No Contact |
NC➣Not Connected |
NC➣Network Connection (ITU-T) |
NC➣No Cover (philately) |
NC➣New Canaan (Connecticut, USA) |
NC➣Not Collected |
NC➣Notebook Computer |
NC➣New Country (music; as opposed to the traditional Country/Western) |
NC➣No Clue |
NC➣Network Cable |
NC➣No Charge |
NC➣Nunca (Portuguese) |
NC➣New Covenant (religious) |
NC➣Nepali Congress (Nepal) |
NC➣No Contest (criminal justice system) |
NC➣Nominating Committee |
NC➣National Congress (Sudan) |
NC➣Not Calculated |
NC➣Nature Conservancy |
NC➣Nurse Corps |
NC➣Nobody Cares |
NC➣News Corp (Australian parent company of Fox) |
NC➣Network Control |
NC➣Network Code |
NC➣Nasal Cavity |
NC➣No Connection |
NC➣Northland College |
NC➣New Calendar (Integrated Chronological Applications System) |
NC➣Naming Context (Windows 2000) |
NC➣Nitrocellulose |
NC➣Neural Computation (various locations) |
NC➣Noam Chomsky |
NC➣Nuclear Chemistry |
NC➣Nostalgia Critic (web review series) |
NC➣Neighborhood Commercial (zoning) |
NC➣National Coordinator (various locations) |
NC➣Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) |
NC➣Norton Commander |
NC➣Nature Calls (chat) |
NC➣Numerically Controlled |
NC➣No Class |
NC➣Nurse Call |
NC➣Not Carried |
NC➣Normal Control |
NC➣Netscape Communicator |
NC➣Network Camera |
NC➣No Context (decompressor state) |
NC➣New Call |
NC➣NeoCash (gaming currency) |
NC➣Non-Consensual |
NC➣Non-Corrosive |
NC➣Non Communiqué (French) |
NC➣Neo-Conservative (aka neo-con) |
NC➣Nickel Creek (band) |
NC➣Navy Nurse Corps (US Navy) |
NC➣Net Control |
NC➣Not Compliant |
NC➣Nucleocapsid |
NC➣No Circuit |
NC➣Network Channel (Bellcore) |
NC➣Normal Condition (electrical) |
NC➣Non-Collagenous |
NC➣Nanocrystal |
NC➣Nicholas Cage |
NC➣Nolo Contendere (Latin: No Contest; court plea) |
NC➣Nutrition Consultant (aka Nutritional Consultant) |
NC➣Neocron (online roleplaying game) |
NC➣Non-Commissioned Officer (usually seen as NCO) |
NC➣Non Conformance |
NC➣Not Classifiable |
NC➣No Correction |
NC➣Neutral Current |
NC➣Next Card |
NC➣Net Capacity |
NC➣NationsCup (clan base online video gaming competition) |
NC➣National Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America) |
NC➣Nordic Council |
NC➣No Carry |
NC➣National Climate Data Center |
NC➣Non-Circular |
NC➣Noncom (job candidate with poor communication skills) |
NC➣Non-Connected |
NC➣National Coarse (threading) |
NC➣North Crossing |
NC➣Normal Concrete |
NC➣Nochex (online payment method in UK) |
NC➣National Curriculum for England |
NC➣NetContinuum |
NC➣Oficina Nacional de Normalización (Cuba) |
NC➣Non Combative |
NC➣Noise Criterion |
NC➣Non-Complete |
NC➣Nova College |
NC➣Nightmare City (movie) |
NC➣New Conglomerate (Planetside game) |
NC➣New Cadet |
NC➣Nonrecurring Costs |
NC➣Nuchal Cord |
NC➣Nasal Canula |
NC➣Nova Consulting |
NC➣No Cheats (multiplayer gaming) |
NC➣Numismatic Chronicle (UK) |
NC➣No Coil |
NC➣Nicolae Carpathia (Left Behind book series) |
NC➣Neural Controller |
NC➣Nominal Correction (US NASA) |
NC➣NATO Confidential |
NC➣Neuro-Computing |
NC➣Noncarcinogen |
NC➣Noble & Cooley (drums) |
NC➣No Chord (music) |
NC➣Noise Coefficient (manufacturing specification) |
NC➣Node Center |
NC➣Navigation Controller |
NC➣Network Complex |
NC➣Narrow Coverage |
NC➣Non-Controlled Substance (USA) |
NC➣Naga College |
NC➣Nordic Cooperation |
NC➣Negative Constructive (debate) |
NC➣Nonconvective |
NC➣Nick's Class (Complexity theory, parallel algorithms) |
NC➣NATO Civilian |
NC➣Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis Railroad |
NC➣Normal Cleanup |
NC➣Nepali Currency |
NC➣Notifiable Change |
NC➣National Conservancy |
NC➣NOCONTRACT (Not Releasable to Contractors or Consultants; classification) |
NC➣Nuke Cannon (gaming, Command & Conquer Generals) |
NC➣Nonlinear Capacitance |
NC➣Nintendo Center |
NC➣Nappies Covered |
NC➣Navigation (Planning) Center (USACE) |
NC➣Normo-Cephalic (physical exam) |
NC➣Nodal Controller |
NC➣National Coarse Screw Thread (Society of Automotive Engineers) |
NC➣Nordrassil Ceptilus (gaming guild) |
NC➣Neutron Controller |
NC➣Occupation Air Post (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
NC➣(USN Rating) Navy Counselor |
NC➣NORN Collective |