Acronym | Definition |
MAC➣Media Access Control |
MAC➣Macintosh (slang for Apple computer) |
MAC➣Mandatory Access Control |
MAC➣Medium Access Control |
MAC➣Mid-American Conference |
MAC➣Multiple Access |
MAC➣Message Authentication Code |
MAC➣Media Access Controller |
MAC➣MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) Audio Collection |
MAC➣Macro (File Name Extension) |
MAC➣Medicare Administrative Contractor |
MAC➣Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (tours & events; Cape May, NJ) |
MAC➣Macau (ISO Country code) |
MAC➣Macedonian (linguistics) |
MAC➣Macaroni |
MAC➣Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan) |
MAC➣Macomb (Amtrak station code; Macomb, IL) |
MAC➣Metropolitan Airports Commission |
MAC➣Military Affairs Council |
MAC➣Milk and Cookies |
MAC➣Mark McGwire (baseball player) |
MAC➣Musical Arts Center |
MAC➣Management Advisory Committee |
MAC➣Make-Up Art Cosmetics, Inc |
MAC➣Maximum Allowable Cost |
MAC➣Mountain Athletic Conference (Pennsylvania high school athletics) |
MAC➣Municipal Advisory Council |
MAC➣Mining Association of Canada (l'Association Minière du Canada) |
MAC➣McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
MAC➣Mycobacterium Avium Complex (medicine) |
MAC➣Moves, Adds, and Changes |
MAC➣Marine Aquarium Council |
MAC➣MacPaint (File Name Extension) |
MAC➣Membrane Attack Complex |
MAC➣Mobile Adult Content (conference) |
MAC➣Media, Arts and Culture |
MAC➣Marubeni America Corporation (Marubeni Corporation) |
MAC➣Milwaukee Athletic Club (Milwaukee, WI) |
MAC➣Immaculata |
MAC➣Material Adverse Change |
MAC➣Media Air Cleaner |
MAC➣Mineral Area College (Park Hills, MO) |
MAC➣Martial Arts Club (various organizations) |
MAC➣Mount Aloysius College (Cresson, PA) |
MAC➣Modal Assurance Criterion |
MAC➣Managed Account (finance) |
MAC➣Marketing Association of Columbia (Columbia University; New York) |
MAC➣Monetary Affairs Committee (East African Community) |
MAC➣Multnomah Arts Center (Portland, OR) |
MAC➣Master of Accountancy |
MAC➣Multnomah Athletic Club (Portland, OR) |
MAC➣Military Airlift Command (US Air Force) |
MAC➣Minimum Alveolar Concentration (measure of potency for anesthetics) |
MAC➣Mass Attenuation Coefficient |
MAC➣Morgan Advanced Ceramics (Morgan Crucible Company; UK) |
MAC➣Monitored Anesthesia Care |
MAC➣Mathematics and Computation (MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab project) |
MAC➣Model Aircraft Club (various locations) |
MAC➣Mouse Activated Computer |
MAC➣Multi Access Computer |
MAC➣Membership Advisory Committee |
MAC➣Multiply Accumulate |
MAC➣Macintosh |
MAC➣Machine Access Code |
MAC➣Multiple Advanced Computers |
MAC➣Microsoft Approved Course |
MAC➣Management Adhoc Committee |
MAC➣Multiple Analogue Component |
MAC➣Memory Access Control |
MAC➣Mid-America Council (Boy Scouts of America; various locations) |
MAC➣Mid-Atlantic Conference (various organizations) |
MAC➣Missouri Arts Council (St Louis, MO) |
MAC➣Master of Arts in Counseling |
MAC➣Marine Amphibious Corps (est. 1942) |
MAC➣Medium Access Controller |
MAC➣Memory Access Controller |
MAC➣Migration Authorisation Code (UK DSL) |
MAC➣Mineralogical Association of Canada (Association Minéralogique du Canada) |
MAC➣Maximum Allowable Concentration |
MAC➣Main Automation Contractor |
MAC➣Mid-America Chapter (various organizations) |
MAC➣Municipal Athletic Complex (various locations) |
MAC➣Move, Add, Change |
MAC➣Multiplier/Accumulator |
MAC➣Maximum Acceptable Concentration |
MAC➣Military Assistance Command |
MAC➣Medical Associates Clinic (various locations) |
MAC➣Model Articulation Controller |
MAC➣Mildura Arts Centre (Australia) |
MAC➣Munich Airport Center |
MAC➣Management Advisory Council (FAA) |
MAC➣Marginal Abatement Cost (curve; metric of costs of complying with Kyoto Protocol for reducing greenhouse gases) |
MAC➣Manufacturing Assistance Center (various locations) |
MAC➣MacConkey Agar (microbiological media) |
MAC➣Market Access and Compliance (US Department of Commerce) |
MAC➣Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation (Morrsiville State College; Morrisville, NY) |
MAC➣Mid-America Conference |
MAC➣Maryland Athletic Club |
MAC➣Multi Activity Court (various locations) |
MAC➣Motor Ambulance Convoy |
MAC➣Medical Advisory Council |
MAC➣Multiple Award Contracts |
MAC➣Municipal Assistance Corporation (New York City) |
MAC➣Mean Aerodynamic Chord |
MAC➣Michigan Association of Counties |
MAC➣Membership Advisory Council (various organizations) |
MAC➣Multi-Agency Coordinating (various organizations) |
MAC➣Midwest Archives Conference |
MAC➣Methanosarcina Acetivorans |
MAC➣Manhattan Association of Cabarets and Clubs |
MAC➣Mine Action Center |
MAC➣Multi Asset Class (Oberon Financial Technology, Inc.) |
MAC➣Mid-Atlantic Championship |
MAC➣Maximum Allowable Charge |
MAC➣Maintenance Allocation Chart |
MAC➣Memory and Aging Center |
MAC➣Mid-Atlantic Crossing |
MAC➣Mobile Air Conditioner |
MAC➣Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (Babylon 6) |
MAC➣Mooney Airplane Company (Texas) |
MAC➣Mines Action Canada |
MAC➣Military Armament Corporation (produced Mac 10&11 SMGs) |
MAC➣Michigan Administrative Code |
MAC➣Mitral Annular Calcification (echogardiography) |
MAC➣Atlantic Mackerel (FAO fish species code) |
MAC➣Maintaining Active Citizens (elderly care; various locations) |
MAC➣Machine Aided Cognition |
MAC➣Manitoba Arts Council |
MAC➣Minnesota Annual Conference |
MAC➣Multicultural Advisory Committee |
MAC➣Music Appreciation Club (various locations) |
MAC➣Methodist Annual Conference |
MAC➣Military Aircraft Command |
MAC➣Members Advisory Committee (various organizations) |
MAC➣Multi Agency Committee (various locations) |
MAC➣Mexican-American Commission |
MAC➣Midwest Airlines Center (now Frontier Airlines Center; Milwaukee, WI) |
MAC➣Master Addictions Counselor |
MAC➣Mid America Corvette (company) |
MAC➣Multiplexed Analogue Components |
MAC➣Medical Alumni Council (various schools) |
MAC➣Management Access Conference (annual conference) |
MAC➣Muslim Association of Canada (Ottawa, Canada) |
MAC➣Monitoring Advisory Committee (various locations) |
MAC➣Maintaining Arc Consistency (constraint programming AI research) |
MAC➣Mary Andrews College (Australia) |
MAC➣Michigan Apple Committee |
MAC➣Montgomery Aquatic Center (Rockville, MD) |
MAC➣Midtown Athletic Club (various locations) |
MAC➣Machine Address Code |
MAC➣Marketing Advisory Committee |
MAC➣Mission Assurance Category |
MAC➣Massachusetts Animal Coalition |
MAC➣Management Accounting Committee (various organizations) |
MAC➣Months After Contract |
MAC➣Manufacturing Alliance of Connecticut |
MAC➣Mid-Arm Muscle Circumference |
MAC➣Mapping and Analysis Center (FEMA) |
MAC➣Maintenance Advisory Committee (various organizations) |
MAC➣Minnesota Autosports Club (est. 1970) |
MAC➣Metropolitan Arts Commission |
MAC➣Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives |
MAC➣Monitoring and Analysis Coordinator (US FEMA) |
MAC➣Moore Action Collectibles (toy company) |
MAC➣Mikuni American Corporation (Northridge, CA) |
MAC➣Michigan Aerospace Corporation (Ann Arbor, Michigan) |
MAC➣Monitored Anaesthesia Care |
MAC➣Mine-Awareness Campaign |
MAC➣Mothers Against Canada (South Park) |
MAC➣Money Access Center |
MAC➣Maximum Amount Contributable (US IRS) |
MAC➣Microbiota-Accessible Carbohydrate (biological molecules) |
MAC➣Mothers Against Circumcision |
MAC➣Mississippi Association of Cooperatives |
MAC➣Multi Axis Controller |
MAC➣Minister’s Approval Certificate (UK) |
MAC➣Multipole Acoustic Log (energy production) |
MAC➣Mixed Armistice Commission |
MAC➣Multiservice Access Concentrator (ADC Kentrox) |
MAC➣Minimum Annual Commitment |
MAC➣Masonry Advisory Council |
MAC➣Message Authenticity Check |
MAC➣Mobility Augmentation Company (US Army) |
MAC➣Midwest CHP Application Center |
MAC➣Mediterranean Air Command (WWII) |
MAC➣Midwest Adoption Center (Des Plaines, IL) |
MAC➣Maningrida Arts and Culture (Aboriginal arts organisation; Maningrida, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory) |
MAC➣Making Arizona Competitive |
MAC➣Management and Administrative Computing |
MAC➣Munitions Assembly Conveyor |
MAC➣Ma’aden Aluminum Company (Ras Az Zawr, Saudi Arabia) |
MAC➣Mouse Activated Computer (suggested acronym for Apple Macintosh computer) |
MAC➣Multiple-Access Computing |
MAC➣Maine Athletic Conference |
MAC➣Master of Art Conservation |
MAC➣Maintenance Action Code |
MAC➣Manchester Athletic Club (Manchester, MA) |
MAC➣Multiple Analog Component |
MAC➣Multipurpose Activity Center |
MAC➣Mississauga Arts Council |
MAC➣Mitigation Assistance Clinic (US FEMA) |
MAC➣Mobile Action Command (1970s Matchbox Division) |
MAC➣Mid-Atlantic Collegiate (umpires) |
MAC➣Multiple Access Communications Limited |
MAC➣Mobile Attenuation Code (cellular term) |
MAC➣Medical Assistance for Children (various organizations) |
MAC➣Movimento Anti-Comunista (Portuguese: Anti-Communist Movement) |
MAC➣Mean Alveolar Concentration (anesthesiology) |
MAC➣Multicultural Awareness Council |
MAC➣Museu da Arte Contemporânea (Sao Paulo, Brazil) |
MAC➣Mean Aerodynamic Center |
MAC➣Medical Affirmative Claims |
MAC➣Mobility Augmentation Company |
MAC➣Mission Assignment Coordinator |
MAC➣Maneuver Area Command |
MAC➣Multi Access Controller |
MAC➣Multiphase Atmospheric Chemistry |
MAC➣Medicaid Authorization Card |
MAC➣Multi Aircraft Control (aviation technology) |
MAC➣Montana Agricultural College |
MAC➣Micromechanics Analysis Code (US NASA software) |
MAC➣Middle America Cox (Cox-Internet) |
MAC➣Message Authentication Control |
MAC➣Maintenance Administration Center |
MAC➣Mass Accelerator Cannon (gaming, Halo weaponry) |
MAC➣Magazine Association of Canada |
MAC➣Municipal Amateur Coordinator |
MAC➣Multiplier Accumulator Chip |
MAC➣Multiplying Accumulator |
MAC➣Manufacturing Advisory Center |
MAC➣Management Ad Hoc Committee |
MAC➣Major Ambulatory Category |
MAC➣Minimal Antibiotic Concentration |
MAC➣Multifiber Array Connector |
MAC➣Multi-Agency Coordinating Entity |
MAC➣Management Action Center |
MAC➣Major Area Commander |
MAC➣Makiling Airsoft Club (Philippines) |
MAC➣Multiple Architecture Computer (Hewlett-Packard) |
MAC➣Material Accumulation Costing |
MAC➣Materiel Acquisition Command |
MAC➣Material Accountability and Control |
MAC➣Multi-Sensor Air Campaign |
MAC➣Maritime Area Commander |
MAC➣Measurement and Analysis Center |
MAC➣Maintenance Availability Computer |
MAC➣Multiple Access Contract |
MAC➣Manitoba Action Centre (Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, Canada) |
MAC➣Mechanized Assignment and Control |
MAC➣Magnetic Anomaly Concealment |
MAC➣Material Accounting Center |
MAC➣Chief Machine Accountant (naval rating) |
MAC➣Moselle Alpine Club (French automobile club; Moselle, France) |
MAC➣Maximum Adjacent Cut (locksmithing) |
MAC➣Metal Anneal Chamber |
MAC➣Montessori Australia Council (Queensland, Australia) |
MAC➣Modular Amplification Card |
MAC➣Mortuary Affairs Coordinator |
MAC➣Multiple Array Correlation |
MAC➣Mobile Attack Cuisine (Fighting Foodons) |
MAC➣Modern Arab Contractors |
MAC➣Milestone Achievement Certificate (UK) |
MAC➣Multi-Static Active Coherent (US Navy) |
MAC➣Mainland Aviation College (New Zealand) |
MAC➣Men's Advisory Counsel/Committee (prisons) |
MAC➣Mustang Athletic Complex |
MAC➣MIUW Attack Craft |
MAC➣Magnetometer Alignment Coil |
MAC➣Manually Activated Call point (fire protection systems) |
MAC➣Minneola Alliance Church (Minneola, FL) |
MAC➣Maximum Asset Capability (economics) |