

单词 night



darkness between sunset and sunrise
Not to be confused with:knight – a man awarded a nonhereditary title (Sir) by a sovereign in recognition of merit; a man devoted to the service of a woman


K0089700 (nīt)n.1. a. The period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness.b. This period considered as a unit of time: for two nights running.c. This period considered from its conditions: a rainy night.2. The period between dusk and midnight of a given day: either late Thursday night or early Friday morning.3. a. The period between evening and bedtime.b. This period considered from its activities: a night at the opera.c. This period set aside for a specific purpose: Parents' Night at school.4. a. The period between bedtime and morning: spent the night at a motel.b. One's sleep during this period: had a restless night.5. Nightfall: worked from morning to night.6. Darkness: vanished into the night.7. a. A time or condition of gloom, obscurity, ignorance, or despair: "In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning" (F. Scott Fitzgerald).b. A time or condition marked by absence of moral or ethical values: "He never would have let us go untroubled into the night of private greed" (Anthony Lewis).adj.1. Of or relating to the night: the night air.2. Intended for use at night: a night light.3. Working during the night: the night nurse.4. Active chiefly at night: night prowlers.5. Occurring after dark: night baseball.
[Middle English, from Old English niht; see nekw-t- in Indo-European roots.]


(naɪt) n1. the period of darkness each 24 hours between sunset and sunrise, as distinct from day2. (modifier) of, occurring, working, etc, at night: a night nurse. 3. the occurrence of this period considered as a unit: four nights later they left. 4. the period between sunset and retiring to bed; evening5. the time between bedtime and morning: she spent the night alone. 6. (Physical Geography) the weather conditions of the night: a clear night. 7. the activity or experience of a person during a night8. (sometimes capital) any evening designated for a special observance or function9. nightfall or dusk10. a state or period of gloom, ignorance, etc11. make a night of it to go out and celebrate for most of the night12. night and day continually: that baby cries night and day. [Old English niht; compare Dutch nacht, Latin nox, Greek nux] ˈnightless adj ˈnightˌlike adj



n. 1. the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise. 2. the beginning of this period; nightfall. 3. the darkness of night; the dark. 4. a condition or time of obscurity, ignorance, sinfulness, misfortune, etc. 5. (sometimes cap.) an evening used or set aside for a particular event or purpose. adj. 6. of or pertaining to night: the night hours. 7. occurring or seen at night: a night spectacle. 8. used or designed to be used at night. 9. active or working at night: night people. Idioms: night and day, unceasingly; continually. [before 900; Middle English; Old English niht, neaht, c. Old Frisian nacht, Old Saxon, Old High German naht (German Nacht), Old Norse nātt, Gothic nahts, Latin nox (s. noct-), Greek nýx (s. nykt-)]


achluphobiaan abnormal fear of darkness. Also called scotophobia.noctimaniaan abnormal love of the night.noctivagationthe act of walking or wandering at night. — noctivagant, noctivagous, adj.nyctalopianight-blindness.sciophobiaan abnormal fear of shadows.scotophobiaachluphobia.See alsoalso darkness.




  1. The black night spread like glistening caviar —Diane Wakoski
  2. The dark-blue velvet night hung like a curtain —Elizabeth Bowen
  3. The darkness of night, like pain, is dumb; the darkness of dawn, like peace, is silent —Rabindranath Tagore
  4. Dusk was falling like blue flakes —Truman Capote
  5. The evenings and nights were like shutters opening and closing, no more than that —Dan Jacobson
  6. Midnight shakes the memory as a madman shakes a dead geranium —T. S. Eliot
  7. Night, bereft of dreams, is like a deserted railway station after hours —Robert Duncan
  8. Night brings out stars as sorrow shows us truth —P. J. Bailey
  9. Night comes like a blackout —John Rechy
  10. The night dives down like one great crow —Richard Wilbur
  11. Night falls like a dropped shutter —Beryl Markham
  12. Night falls like fire —Algernon Charles Swinburne
  13. The night feels like a gigantic Ferris wheel turning in blackness, very slowly —Margaret Laurence
  14. Night had fallen like a black curtain —Colin Forbes
  15. The night is as soft as milk —Albert Camus
  16. The night is like flower petals, the air moist as a damp cloth —W. P. Kinsella
  17. The night is soft and silent, warm as cashmere —W. P. Kinsella
  18. The night roars on … like an express train —Erich Maria Remarque
  19. The night descended on her like a benediction —Joseph Conrad
  20. The nights stick together like pages in an old book —John Ashberry
  21. The night stretches before me like an endless checklist —Natascha Wodin
  22. The night trickles on like liquid time —Natascha Wodin
  23. The still night drifted deep like snow about me —Edna St. Vincent Millay
  24. The summer night is like a perfection of thought —Wallace Stevens
  25. The night, like ice, seemed to harden around her —William Dieter


1. 'night' and 'at night'

Night is the period during each twenty-four hours when it is dark. If something happens regularly during this period, you say that it happens at night.

The doors were kept closed at night.I used to lie awake at night, listening to the rain.

A night is one of these periods of darkness. You usually refer to a particular period as the night.

He went to a hotel and spent the night there.I got a phone call in the middle of the night.
2. the previous night

If something happened during the night before the present day, you say that it happened in the night, during the night, or last night.

I didn't hear Sheila in the night.I had the strangest dream last night.

You can also say that a situation existed last night.

I didn't manage to sleep much last night.

Last night is also used for saying that something happened during the previous evening.

I met your husband last night.

If you are talking about a day in the past and you want to say that something happened the night before that day, you say that it happened in the night, during the night, or the previous night.

His father had died in the night.This was the hotel where they had stayed the previous night.
3. exact times

If you want to make it clear that you are talking about a particular time in the early part of the night rather than the morning, you add at night.

This took place at eleven o'clock at night on our second day.

However, if you are talking about a time after midnight and you want to make it clear that you are talking about the night and not the afternoon, you say in the morning.

It was five o'clock in the morning.
Noun1.night - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outsidenight - the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outsidenighttime, darkperiod, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"24-hour interval, day, mean solar day, solar day, twenty-four hour period, twenty-four hours - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are 30,000 passengers per day"weeknight - any night of the week except Saturday or Sundayevening - the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way; "an evening at the opera"late-night hour - the latter part of nightmidnight - 12 o'clock at night; the middle of the night; "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight"small hours - the hours just after midnightlights-out - a prescribed bedtimewedding night - the night after the wedding when bride and groom sleep togetherdaylight, daytime, day - the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside; "the dawn turned night into day"; "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"
2.night - a period of ignorance or backwardness or gloomperiod, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
3.night - the period spent sleeping; "I had a restless night"period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
4.night - the dark part of the diurnal cycle considered a time unit; "three nights later he collapsed"time unit, unit of time - a unit for measuring time periods
5.night - darkness; "it vanished into the night"dark, darkness - absence of light or illumination
6.night - a shortening of nightfall; "they worked from morning to night"crepuscle, crepuscule, dusk, evenfall, gloam, gloaming, nightfall, twilight, fall - the time of day immediately following sunset; "he loved the twilight"; "they finished before the fall of night"
7.night - the time between sunset and midnight; "he watched television every night"period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
8.Night - Roman goddess of night; daughter of Erebus; counterpart of Greek NyxNox


noun darkness, dark, night-time, dead of night, night watches, hours of darkness We spent the night at his house. Finally night fell.night and day constantly, all the time, continually, continuously, endlessly, incessantly, ceaselessly, interminably, unremittingly, twenty-four-seven (informal), day in, day out He was at my door night and day, demanding attention.Related words
adjective nocturnal
like noctimania
fear nyctophobia
"Night hath a thousand eyes" [John Lyly Maides Metamorphose]
"The night has a thousand eyes,"
"And the day but one" [F.W. Bourdillon Light]
"Night is the half of life, and the better half" [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre]
"the huge and thoughtful night" [Walt Whitman When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd]
"sable-vested night, eldest of things" [John Milton Paradise Lost]


nounThe period of time between sunset and sunrise:nighttime.adjectiveOf or occurring during the night:nightly, nocturnal.


(nait) noun1. the period from sunset to sunrise. We sleep at night; They talked all night (long); He travelled by night and rested during the day; The days were warm and the nights were cool; (also adjective) He is doing night work. 夜間 2. the time of darkness. In the Arctic in winter, night lasts for twenty-four hours out of twenty-four. 夜晚 夜晚ˈnightly adjective, adverb every night. a nightly news programme; He goes there nightly. 每晚的,每晚 每夜(的) ˈnight-club noun a club open at night for drinking, dancing, entertainment etc. 夜店 夜总会ˈnightdress, ˈnightgown noun a garment for wearing in bed. 睡衣 睡衣ˈnightfall noun the beginning of night; dusk. 黃昏 黄昏ˈnightmare noun a frightening dream. I had a nightmare about being strangled. 惡夢 恶梦ˈnightmarish adjective 惡夢般的 恶梦似的ˈnight-school noun (a place providing) educational classes held in the evenings for people who are at work during the day. 夜校 夜校ˈnight shift1. (a period of) work during the night. He's on (the) night shift this week. 夜班 夜班2. the people who work during this period. We met the night shift leaving the factory. 夜班員工 夜班工人ˈnight-time noun the time when it is night. Owls are usually seen at night-time. 夜間 夜间ˌnight-ˈwatchman noun a person who looks after a building etc during the night. 夜間守衛 夜间守卫员,值夜班的警卫员


  • Good night → 晚安
  • How much is it per night? → 每晚多少钱?
  • I want to stay an extra night → 我想再住一晚
  • How much is it per night for a tent? → 一个帐篷每晚多少钱?
  • Last night → 昨晚
  • At night → 夜里
  • Tomorrow night → 明天夜里
  • I'd like to reserve a table for two people for tomorrow night (US)
    I'd like to book a table for two people for tomorrow night (UK) → 我想预订明晚的两人餐桌


(Good) night.

 1. the appropriate departure phrase for leave-taking after dark. (This assumes that the speakers will not see one another until morning at the earliest. Night alone is familiar.) John: Bye, Alice. Alice: Night. See you tomorrow. Bill: Good night, Mary. Mary: Night, Bill. 2. the appropriate phrase for wishing someone a good night's sleep. Father: Good night, Bill. Bill: Night, Pop. Father: Good night. Mother: Good night.
  • (as) black as night
  • (as) different as night and day
  • (if you) sing before breakfast, (you'll) cry before night
  • a night on the tiles
  • a night out
  • a night owl
  • a night person
  • a one-night stand
  • about last night...
  • all cats are gray after dark/at night
  • all cats are grey at night
  • all cats are grey by night
  • all hours
  • all hours (of the day and night)
  • all night long
  • at all hours (of the day and night)
  • at night
  • Bank Night
  • be like ships in the night
  • be like ships that pass in the night
  • be ships that pass in the night
  • be/take all day, morning, etc.
  • black as a skillet
  • black as night
  • black as night/pitch/the ace of spades
  • bunk down (for the night)
  • by day
  • call it a day
  • call it a night
  • day and night
  • day or night
  • dead of
  • dead of night
  • dead of night/winter, the
  • different as night and day
  • far into the night
  • fly-by-night
  • good night
  • have a bad night
  • have a good night
  • have a good/bad night
  • have a late night
  • have an early night
  • have an early/a late night
  • hen night
  • how can you sleep at night
  • I must say good night
  • I was up all night with a sick friend
  • in the dead of night
  • it'll be all right on the night
  • lady of the night
  • like a thief in the night
  • like night and day
  • make a day of it
  • make a day/night/week of it
  • make a day/night/weekend of it
  • make a night of it
  • morning, noon and night
  • morning, noon, and night
  • night
  • night after night
  • night and day
  • night night
  • night of the long knives
  • night on the town
  • night owl
  • night person
  • one-night stand
  • red sky at night, shepherd's delight
  • Saturday night special
  • ships in the night
  • ships that pass in the night
  • sing before breakfast, you'll cry before night
  • spend the night
  • spend the night with somebody/together
  • stag night
  • stay the night
  • the dead of night
  • the early hours (of the night/morning)
  • the morning after (the night before)
  • the morning after the night before
  • the small hours (of the night/morning)
  • the still of (the) night
  • the still of the night
  • the watches of the night
  • the wee hours (of the night/morning)
  • the wee small hours (of the night/morning)
  • thief in the night
  • things that go bump in the night
  • three dog night
  • three-dog night
  • till all hours (of the day and night)
  • Time to call it a night
  • until all hours (of the day and night)



[nīt] (astronomy) The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.



the interval of time from sunset to sunrise. The duration depends on the geographical latitude of the point of observation and on the sun’s inclination. Above the latitude of the arctic and antarctic circles, at certain times of the year, night may last more than 24 hours; at the poles, night lasts for almost half a year. Sometimes the concept of night excludes the interval of civil or astronomical twilight.

What does it mean when you dream about night?

Dreaming about the darkness of the night often indicates that situations are not clear or need to be put to rest before accurate decisions can be made. If nighttime indicates pleasure to the dreamer, then recreation and entertainment may be in order.


The time between the end of evening twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in Air Almanac, and converted to local time.


Apepileader of demons against sun god; always vanquished by morning. [Egyptian Myth.: Leach, 66]Apophisopponent of sun god Ra. [Egyptian Myth.: Benét, 43]AshtorethMoon goddess; Queen of night; equivalent of Greek Astarte. [Phoenician Myth.: Walsh Classical, 34–35]Cimmerianshalf-mythical people dwelling in eternal gloom. [Gk. Lit.: Odyssey]Erebuspersonification and god of darkness. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 381]Fafnirhis slaying represents the destruction of night demon. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 327]Noxgoddess of night. [Rom. Myth.: Wheeler, 261]owlnocturnal bird; Night embodied. [Art: Hall, 231]


(dreams)A nighttime setting is common to many dreams. However, extreme darkness suggests that you are hiding something or are unwilling to see things clearly. You may be the type who likes to ignore, minimize, or hide problems. The darkness represents a lack of awareness and illumination. If you honestly look at the content of your dream, you may be able to identify some areas of your life or personal experience that need warmth, light, and airing.





Related to Night: wedding night

NIGHT. That space of time during which the sun is below the horizon of the earth, except, that short space which precedes its rising and follows its setting, during which, by its light, the countenance of a man may be discerned. I Hale, P. C. 550; 3 Inst. 63; 4 Bl. Com. 224; 1 Hawk. P. C. 101; 3 Chit. Cr. Law, 1093; 2 Leach, 710; Bac. Ab. Burglary, D; 2 East, P. C. 509; 2 Russ. Cr. 32; Rosc. Cr. Ev. 278; 7 Dane's Ab. 134.



Related to night: wedding night
  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for night

noun darkness


  • darkness
  • dark
  • night-time
  • dead of night
  • night watches
  • hours of darkness

phrase night and day


  • constantly
  • all the time
  • continually
  • continuously
  • endlessly
  • incessantly
  • ceaselessly
  • interminably
  • unremittingly
  • twenty-four-seven
  • day in, day out

Synonyms for night

noun the period of time between sunset and sunrise


  • nighttime

adj of or occurring during the night


  • nightly
  • nocturnal

Synonyms for night

noun the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside


  • nighttime
  • dark

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period
  • 24-hour interval
  • day
  • mean solar day
  • solar day
  • twenty-four hour period
  • twenty-four hours
  • weeknight
  • evening
  • late-night hour
  • midnight
  • small hours
  • lights-out
  • wedding night


  • daylight
  • daytime
  • day

noun a period of ignorance or backwardness or gloom

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period

noun the period spent sleeping

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period

noun the dark part of the diurnal cycle considered a time unit

Related Words

  • time unit
  • unit of time

noun darkness

Related Words

  • dark
  • darkness

noun a shortening of nightfall

Related Words

  • crepuscle
  • crepuscule
  • dusk
  • evenfall
  • gloam
  • gloaming
  • nightfall
  • twilight
  • fall

noun the time between sunset and midnight

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period

noun Roman goddess of night


  • Nox




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