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anisocoria TranslationsEncyclopediaSeesyphilisanisocoria
anisocoria [an-i″so-kor´e-ah] inequality in size of the pupils of the eyes.an·i·so·co·ri·a (an-ī'sō-kō'rē-ă), [MIM*106240] A condition in which the two pupils are not of equal size. [aniso- + G. korē, pupil] an·i·so·co·ri·a (an-ī'sō-kōr'ē-ă) A condition in which the two pupils are not of equal size. [aniso- + G. korē, pupil]anisocoria Inequality in the size of the pupils of the eye.anisocoria Condition in which the pupils of the eyes are not of equal size. Typically one pupil is abnormal and cannot either dilate or constrict. It may be physiological (e.g. in antimetropia) or it may be part of a syndrome, the most common being those of Adie's and Horner's. Physiological anisocoria remains constant irrespective of the level of illumination. Anisocoria can occur as a result of injury (e.g. to the iris sphincter muscle), inflammation (e.g. iridocyclitis), diseases of the iris, paralysis of the third nerve, angle-closure glaucoma, systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes, syphilis) or accidental drug instillation into the eye (if the drug or substance has anticholinergic properties the condition is then referred to as anticholinergic mydriasis or 'atropine' mydriasis). The search for the cause of anisocoria is facilitated by testing the pupil light reflexes and responses to locally instilled drugs (Fig. A14). See efferent pupillary defect; pupil light reflex; pupillometer. " > Fig. A14 Anisocoria |