

单词 ncc



abbr. National Council of Churches


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Environmental Science) (the former) Nature Conservancy Council


or N.C.C.,

National Council of Churches.



National Certification Corporation.


National Securities Clearing Corporation

A subsidiary of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation. The NSCC is a clearing house that provides settlement services for securities traded on the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. It also provides services for FINRA. It operates settlement according to continuous net settlement practices.


See National Clearing Corporation.


NCCNaval Construction Contract (Star Trek)
NCCNational Capital Commission (Ottawa)
NCCNational Community Church
NCCNational Cotton Council
NCCNational Council of Churches
NCCNASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Class Code
NCCNational Cancer Center (Japan)
NCCNassau Community College
NCCNational Certified Counselor
NCCNew Castle County (Delaware)
NCCNational Construction Company (various locations)
NCCNational Cadet Corps (India)
NCCNorth Carolina Collection
NCCNational Capital Chapter
NCCNational Competition Council (Australia)
NCCNorthamptonshire County Council (UK)
NCCNewcastle City Council (UK)
NCCNorth Central Conference (high school athletic conference)
NCCNational Coordinating Center
NCCNational Consumer Council (UK)
NCCNorthwest Christian College (now Northwest Christian University; Eugene, OR)
NCCNet Carrying Capacity (measurement)
NCCNorthampton Community College (Bethlehem, PA)
NCCNational Computer Center (Philippines)
NCCNorfolk County Council (UK)
NCCNature Conservancy of Canada
NCCNew Creation Church (Singapore)
NCCNorwich City Council (UK)
NCCNorth Central College (Naperville, Illinois)
NCCNorwalk Community College
NCCNational Cycling Centre (UK)
NCCNational City Corporation
NCCNational Constitution Center (Philadelphia, PA)
NCCNational Catholic Church (various locations)
NCCNeasden Control Centre (UK)
NCCNederlandse Caravan Club (Dutch: Dutch Caravan Club)
NCCNetwork Control Center
NCCNorton Control Center
NCCNetwork Coordination Centre
NCCNovell Customer Connection
NCCNetwork Centric Computing
NCCNational Colour Code
NCCNetware Client Configuration
NCCNational Computer Center
NCCNumeric Control File
NCCNetwork Connectivity Center
NCCNormandale Community College (Bloomington, MN)
NCCNorwegian Consumer Council
NCCNagoya Congress Center (Japan)
NCCNaphtha Cracking Center (petrochemicals; South Korea)
NCCNew Construction Company (various locations)
NCCNon-Coronary Cusp (cardiology)
NCCNational Club Championship (various organizations)
NCCNational Chicken Council
NCCNational Constitutional Conference
NCCNederlandse Centrale Catalogus
NCCNational Campaign Committee (various locations)
NCCNovell Customer Center
NCCNeuro Critical Care (various locations)
NCCNational Coordination Committee
NCCNational Computer Conference
NCCNational Conference Committee
NCCNational Core Curriculum (various locations)
NCCNottingham County Council (UK)
NCCNon Combatant Corps (WW II)
NCCNature Conservancy Council
NCCNetwork Coordination Center
NCCNicholson Catholic College (Ontario, Canada)
NCCNational Codex Committee (food safety)
NCCNigerian Communication Commission
NCCNigeria Communications Commission
NCCNorth Congregational Church (various locations)
NCCNaval Component Commander (US DoD)
NCCNormalized Cross Correlation
NCCNorth Central Chapter (various organizations)
NCCNational Contingent Commander (various organizations)
NCCNeural Correlate of Consciousness
NCCNorthside Community Church (various locations)
NCCNational Counterterrorism Center (US government)
NCCNashville Convention Center (Nashville, TN)
NCCNew Covenant Community (various locations)
NCCNorthampton County Community (Bethelem, PA)
NCCNational Consultative Committee
NCCNatural Call Control
NCCNational Computing Center
NCCNational Communications Coordinator
NCCNew Common Carrier
NCCNational Cadet Corp (Singapore)
NCCNiigata Computer College (Japan)
NCCNational Certificate in Computing (New Zealand)
NCCNational Conference on Communications (Indian Institutes of Technolgy)
NCCNon-Competing Continuation (grants)
NCCNational Cattle Congress (Waterloo, Iowa)
NCCNational College of Chiropractic
NCCNavy Component Command (US DoD)
NCCNorthern Clay Center
NCCNature Care College (Australia)
NCCNational Cadet Competition (Civil Air Patrol)
NCCNorthwest Communications Cooperative
NCCNational Center on Caregiving (Family Caregiver Alliance)
NCCNational Chamber Choir (Ireland)
NCCNational Citizen's Coalition (Canadian lobby group)
NCCNorthern California Campus (Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; Mill Valley, CA)
NCCNorwegian Coastal Current
NCCNational Climatic Center
NCCNational Croquet Center
NCCNational Climate Committee (Guyana)
NCCNational Cadet Corp
NCCNational Composites Centre (UK)
NCCNetwork Communications Control
NCCNon-Compete Clause
NCCNetwork Cybernetics Corporation
NCCNegligent Collateral Collapse (band)
NCCNagaragawa Convention Center (Japan)
NCCNational Clergy Council
NCCNational Controls Corporation (Philadelphia, PA unit of AMETEK, Inc)
NCCNondescripts Cricket Club (cricket club in Sri Lanka)
NCCNavy Command Center
NCCNational Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties
NCCNaval Command College
NCCNormal Corrective Combination (US NASA)
NCCNational Core Content (National Health Service; UK)
NCCNordic Connection Conference (trade show)
NCCNational Carbon Company
NCCNorthside Christian Church
NCCNational Control Center
NCCNational Command Center
NCCNormally Closed Contact
NCCNew Century Cities (joint research project; Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
NCCNova Craft Canoe (boating)
NCCNampa Civic Center (Nampa, ID)
NCCNikko Cordial Corporation (Japan)
NCCNorth Carolina Conservative (newspaper)
NCCNational Certification Council
NCCNorthampton County Area Community College (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
NCCNational Counterintelligence Center (USA)
NCCNegotiated Contract Cost
NCCNiigata College of Nursing (Niigata, Japan)
NCCNordic Construction Company AB
NCCNational Cambridge Collectors, Inc.
NCCNeutron Coincidence Counter
NCCNational Combustor Code (NASA)
NCCNew Command Cruiser (Star Trek)
NCCNorton Control Center (Norton Utilities)
NCCNippon Crown Cork (Japan)
NCCNational Christian Choir
NCCNunawading Christian College (Australia)
NCCNavigational Contact Code (Star Trek)
NCCNashville Cowboy Church
NCCNovell Customer Connections
NCCNORAD Control Center
NCCNational Command Capability
NCCNorthland Car Club (Northland, New Zealand)
NCCNon-Commercial Cover (forest industry)
NCCNetwork Coordination Committee
NCCNational Council of Chiefs
NCCNational Cooperators' Coalition
NCCNominal Corrective Combination Maneuver
NCCNursing Constituency Council
NCCNational Communications Contractors
NCCNATO Codification Control
NCCNon Conformance Costs (quality management)
NCCNon-Congestion Controlled
NCCNetwork Dependent Call Connection Delay (ITU-T)
NCCNederlandse Corrosie Centrum (Nehterlands Corrosion Center)
NCCNavigation Control Console
NCCNetwork Control Circuit
NCCNew Construction Contractor
NCCNet-Centric Checklist
NCCNewspaper Comics Council
NCCNokia Communicator Club (forum)
NCCNavy Cost Center
NCCNational Childrens Center, Inc. (Washington, DC)
NCCNippon Closures Company (Japan)
NCCNational Council on Codependence
NCCNORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) Command Center (US DoD)
NCCNordic Council for Competition Climbing
NCCNo Cross Correlation
NCCNet Coordination Center (Managed Network Services)
NCCNeighbourhoods and Community Care (UK)
NCCNational Counternarcotics Center
NCCNon-Conforming Calls
NCCNational Catastrophe Coordinator
NCCNature Coast Coalition
NCCNormalized Capacity Curve
NCCNetwork Capability Customization
NCCNoncancellable Commitment
NCCNon-Contracting Cooperating Party (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna)




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