

L0035075 (lănd′grə-vēn′)n.1. A woman holding the title to a landgraviate.2. The wife or widow of a landgrave.3. Used as the title for such a noblewoman.
[From Middle Low German landgravin, feminine of landgrave, landgrave; see landgrave.]


(ˈlændɡrəˌviːn) n1. (Historical Terms) the wife or widow of a landgrave2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the wife or widow of a landgrave3. (Historical Terms) a woman who held the rank of landgrave4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a woman who held the rank of landgrave


(ˈlænd grəˌvin)

n. 1. the wife of a landgrave. 2. a woman of the rank of a landgrave. [1675–85; < Dutch landgravin, feminine of landgraaf landgrave]