out with it

out with it

Say what you are thinking or reveal some information, especially after hesitation or delay. Used as an imperative. OK, I know you're upset with me for some reason. Out with it! Just be out with it already! Who won?See also: out

out with it

Say it, as in Tell us what you really think-out with it! Used as an imperative, this idiom uses out in the sense of "public." See also: out

out with it

say what you are thinking. 1993 Margaret Atwood The Robber Bride She would be so squirrelly with desire—out with it, lust , capital L, the best of the Seven Deadlies —that she'd scarcely be able to sit still. See also: out

ˈout with it!

used to make somebody tell you something they are hiding, or hesitating to tell you: Come on, out with it! I want to know the truth!See also: out