

 [noor″rot-me´sis] partial or complete severance of a nerve, with disruption of the axon and its myelin sheath and the connective tissue elements.


(nū'rot-mē'sis), A type of axon loss lesion resulting from focal peripheral nerve injury in which, at the lesion site, the nerve stroma is damaged to varying degrees, as well as the axon and myelin, which degenerate from that point distally; with the most severe neurotmesis lesions, the gross continuity of the nerve is disrupted. See: axonotmesis, neurapraxia.


(nūr'ot-mē'sis) A type of axon loss lesion resulting from focal peripheral nerve injury in which, at the lesion site, the nerve stroma is damaged to varying degrees, as well as the axon and myelin, which degenerate from that point distally.
See: axonotmesis, neurapraxia
[neuro- + G. tmēsis, a cutting]