other fish to fry

other fish to fry

Other, more important matters to deal with. I can't worry about that now, I've got other fish to fry! I want Chris to help me with this project, but he claims he has other fish to fry right now.See also: fish, fry, other

other fish to fry

Also, better or bigger fish to fry . More important matters to attend to, as in They asked me to help with the decorations, but I have other fish to fry. [Mid-1500s] See also: fish, fry, other

other fish to fry

Informal Other matters to attend to: He declined to come along to the movie, saying he had other fish to fry.See also: fish, fry, other

fish to fry, to have better/bigger/other

To have other, more important matters to attend to. Referring to fish cookery, this term dates from the seventeenth century. “I fear he has other fish to fry,” wrote John Evelyn in his Memoirs (1660). Actually, this term also appeared in an early translation of Rabelais’s Pantagruel (1552) by Motteux, but it did not seem to catch on until later.See also: better, big, fish, have, other