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EncyclopediaSeeSir William MacewenMacewen sign
Mac·ew·en sign (mă-kū'ĕn), percussion of the skull gives a cracked-pot sound in cases of hydrocephalus. Synonym(s): Macewen symptomMac·ew·en sign (măk-yū'ĕn sīn) Percussion of the skull produces a cracked-pot sound in cases of hydrocephalus. Macewen, Sir William, Scottish surgeon, 1848-1924. Macewen classificationMacewen drillMacewen herniorrhaphyMacewen operationMacewen osteotomyMacewen sawMacewen sign - percussion of the skull gives a cracked-pot sound in cases of hydrocephalus. Synonym(s): Macewen symptomMacewen symptom - Synonym(s): Macewen signMacewen triangle - Synonym(s): suprameatal triangleMac·ew·en sign (măk-yū'ĕn sīn) Percussion of cranium gives a cracked-pot sound in cases of hydrocephalus. |