

单词 administrator




A0092400 (ăd-mĭn′ĭ-strā′tər)n.1. One who administers, especially one who works as a manager in a business, government agency, or school.2. Law One appointed to administer an estate.


(ədˈmɪnɪˌstreɪtə) n1. a person who administers the affairs of an organization, official body, etc2. (Law) property law a person authorized to manage an estate, esp when the owner has died intestate or without having appointed executors3. (Computer Science) a person who manages a computer system adˌminisˈtratrix fem n


(ædˈmɪn əˌstreɪ tər)

n. 1. a person who administers, esp. one employed to manage the affairs of a government, business, institution, etc. 2. Law. a person appointed by a court to take charge of the estate of a decedent, but not appointed in the decedent's will. [1400–50; late Middle English < Latin]
Noun1.administrator - someone who administers a businessadministrator - someone who administers a business decision makeracademic administrator - an administrator in a college or universitydirector, manager, managing director - someone who controls resources and expendituresexecutive, executive director - a person responsible for the administration of a businesschief, top dog, head - a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"hosteller, hotel manager, hotelier, hotelkeeper, hotelman - an owner or manager of hotelsland agent - a person who administers a landed estatesecurity director - head of a private security force working for a business or industryvice chancellor - a deputy or assistant to someone bearing the title of chancellor
2.administrator - the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executoradministrator - the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executorfiduciary - a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary; "it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain"
3.administrator - someone who manages a government agency or departmentadministrator - someone who manages a government agency or departmentexecutivecommissioner - a government administratorDCI, Director of Central Intelligence - the head of the United States Intelligence Community and director of the Central Intelligence Agencychief, top dog, head - a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"prefect - a chief officer or chief magistrate; "the prefect of Paris police"Secretary General - a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations)triumvir - one of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome


noun manager, head, official, director, officer, executive, minister, boss (informal), agent, governor, controller, supervisor, bureaucrat, superintendent, gaffer (informal, chiefly Brit.), organizer, mandarin, functionary, overseer, baas (S. African) He worked for 34 years as an administrator with the company.


nounA person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization:administrant, director, executive, manager, officer, official.Informal: exec.


(ədˈministə) verb1. to govern or manage. He administers the finances of the company 管理 管理2. to carry out (the law etc). 執行 执行3. to give (medicine, help etc). The doctor administered drugs to the patient. 給予,施予 给予adˈministrate (-streit) verb to govern or manage. 管理 管理adˌminiˈstration noun1. management. He's in charge of administration at the hospital. 管理 管理2. (the people who carry on) the government of a country etc. 政府 政府administrative (-strətiv) , ((American) -streitiv) adjectivean administrative post; administrative ability. 行政的 行政的adˈministrator (-strei-) noun 管理人員,行政官員 管理人员,行政官员




1. Property law a person authorized to manage an estate, esp when the owner has died intestate or without having appointed executors 2. a person who manages a computer system


A person responsible for managing a computer or network and who has full access to the hardware and software. Users are generally the administrators of their own computers, because fresh out of the box, whoever sets up the machine can create administrator privileges for the user.

If the machines are company owned, users are given fewer privileges. For example, they cannot change certain permissions or internal files. See root level, privilege and access rights.

There Are Different Kinds of Administrators
In an organization's IT department, technicians often have administrator titles. See data administrator, database administrator, network administrator and system administrator.




(ad-min'i-strā-tŏr), A person or entity managing executive duties.


Informatics A user registered to a server who has one or more class privileges.
Managed care A white-collar worker, usually a nonphysician, who directs and/or manages the operational aspects of an enterprise—e.g., a medical center or bureaucracy.


Bureaucracy A white-collar worker, usually a nonphysician, who directs and/or manages operational aspects of a business or bureaucracy. See Scientific review administrator, State fluoridation administrator, Third-party administrator.


(ad-min'i-strā-tŏr) A person or entity managing executive duties.




A person appointed by the court to manage and take charge of the assets and liabilities of a decedent who has died without making a valid will.

When such a person is a male, he is called an administrator, while a woman is called an administratrix. An administrator c.t.a. (cum testamento annexo, Latin for "with the will annexed") is appointed by the court where the testator had made an incomplete will without naming any executors or had named incapable persons, or where the executors named refuse to act. A public administrator is a public official designated by state law to perform the duties of administration for persons who have died intestate.

An executor differs from an administrator in that he or she is named in the decedent's will to manage the estate. If an executor dies while performing these duties, a court will appoint an administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo (Latin for "of the goods not (already) administered upon with the will annexed") to complete the distribution of the decedent's estate. This term is often abbreviated: administrator d.b.n.c.t.a.


n. the person appointed by the court to handle the estate of someone who died without a will, with a will with no nominated executor, or the executor named in the will has died, has been removed from the case, or does not desire to serve. If there is a will but no available executor, the administrator is called an "administrator with will annexed." The procedure is that if an estate must be probated (filed and approved by a court) then someone (usually a relative or close friend) petitions the court in the appropriate county (usually where the late lamented last lived) for appointment of a particular person as administrator. If an estate requires attention and no one has come forward to administer the estate, then the county Public Administrator may do so. In most cases state law requires that the administrator post a bond ordered by the court to protect the estate from mishandling or malfeasance. If the will includes is real property in another state then the administrator or executor must find someone in the other state to handle the change of title and paying of local taxes, and that person is called an "ancillary administrator." (See: administer, probate, executor)


1 in the law of succession an administrator is a person appointed by the court to represent and administer the estate of a person who has died intestate or without having appointed executors who are willing to act. The appointment is made via a grant of letters of administration; where the deceased has left a will the grant will be of letters of administration with will annexed. 2 as an alternative (or as a precursor) to LIQUIDATION or RECEIVERSHIP a company in financial difficulties may go into administration under the management of an administrator. The administrator owes a statutory duty to all creditors. The purpose of administration is the rescue of the company as a going concern, failing which, the achievement of a better financial return for creditors as a whole than would be the case in liquidation. Only failing both of these two options is the administrator to realize assets to meet the claims of secured or preferential creditors. The company does not require to be insolvent to trigger administration. Administration lapses automatically after a year.

ADMINISTRATOR, trusts. An administrator is a person lawfully appointed,with his assent, by an officer having jurisdiction, to manage and settle theestate of a deceased person who has left no executor, or one who is for thetime incompetent or unable to act.
2. It will be proper to consider, first, his rights; secondly, hisduties.; thirdly, the number of administrators, and their joint and severalpowers; fourthly, the several kinds of administrators.
3.-1. By the grant of the letters, of administration, theadministrator is vested with full and ample power, unless restrained to somespecial administration, to take possession of all the personal estate of thedeceased and to sell it; to collect the debts due to him; and to representhim in all matters which relate to his chattels real or personal. He isauthorized to pay the debts of the, intestate in the order dire ted by law;and, in the United States, he is generally entitled to a just compensation,which is allowed him as commissions on the amount which passes through hishands.
4.-2. He is bound to use due diligence in the management of theestate; and he is generally on his appointment required to give securitythat he will do so; he is responsible for any waste which. may happen forhis default. See Devastavit.
5. Administrators are authorized to bring and defend actions. They sueand are sued in their own names; as, A B, administrator of C D, v. E F; or EF v. A B, administrator of C D.
6.-3. As to the number of administrators. There may be one or more.When there are several they must, in general, act together in bringingsuits, and they must all be sued ; but, like executors, the acts of each,which relate to the delivery, gift, sale, payment, possession. or release ofthe intestate's goods, are considered as of equal validity as the acts ofall, for they have a joint power and authority over the whole. Bac. Ab.Executor, C 4; 11 Vin. Ab. 358; Com. Dig. Administration, B 12; 1 Dane's Ab.383; 2 Litt. R. 315. On the death of one of several joint administrators,the whole authority is vested in the survivors.
7.-4. Administrators are general, or those who have right toadminister the whole estate of the intestate; or special, that is, those whoadminister it in part, or for a limited time.
8.-1. General administrators are of two kinds, namely: first, whenthe grant of administration is unlimited, and the administrator is requiredto administer the whole estate, under the intestate laws, secondly, when thegrant is made with the annexation of the will, which is the guide to theadministrator to administer and distribute the estate. This latteradministration is granted when the deceased has made a will, and either hehas not appointed an executor, or having appointed one he refuses to serve,or dies, or is incompetent to act; this last kind is called an administratorcum testamento annexo. 1 Will. on Wills, 309.
9.-2. Special administrators are of two kinds; first, when theadministration is limited to part of the estate, as for example, when theformer administrator has died, leaving a part of the estate unadministered,an administrator is appointed to administer the remainder, and he is calledan administrator de bonis non. He has all the powers of a commonadministrator. Bac. Ab. Executors, B 1; Sw. 396; Roll. Ab. 907; 6 Sm. &Marsh. 323. When an executor dies leaving a part of the estateunadministered, the administrator appointed to complete the execution of thewin is called an administrator de bonis non, cum testamento annexo. Com.Dig. Administrator, B 1. Secondly, When the authority of the administratoris limited as to time. Administrators of this kind are, 1. An administratordurante minore oetate. This administrator is appointed to act as such duringthe minority of an infant executor, until the latter shall, attain hislawful age to act. Godolph. 102; 5 Co. 29. His powers extend to administerthe estate so far as to collect the same, sell a sufficiency of the personalproperty to pay the debts, sell bona peritura, and perform such other actsas require immediate attention. He may sue and be sued. Bac. Ab. Executor, B1 ; Roll. Ab. 110; Cro. Eliz. 718. The powers of such an administratorcease, as soon as the infant executor attains the age at which the lawauthorizes him to act for himself, which, at common law, is seventeen years,but by statutory provision in several states twenty-one years.
 10.-2. An administrator durante absentia, is one who is appointed toadminister the estate during the absence of the executor, before he hasproved the will. The powers of this administrator continue until the returnof the executor, and. then his powers cease upon the probate of the will bythe executor. 4 Hagg. 860. In England it has been holden, that the death ofthe executor abroad does not determine the authority of the administratordurante absentia. 3 Bos. & Pull. 26.
 11.-3. An administrator pendente lite. Administration pendente litemay be granted pending the controversy respecting an alleged will and it hasbeen granted pending a contest as to, the right to administration. 2 P. Wms.589; 2 Atk. 286; 2 Cas. temp. Lee, 258. The administrator pendente lite ismerely an officer of the court, and holds the property only till the suitterminates. 1 Hagg. 313. He may maintain suits, 1 Ves. sen. 325; 2 Ves. & B.97; 1 Ball & B. 192; though his power does not extend to the distribution ofthe assets. 1 Ball & B. 192.




1. Anyone authorized to act on behalf of a person, company, estate, trust, or any other entity.

2. See: State Administrator.






A person appointed by a court to manage and distribute the estate of someone who has died without a will. Sometimes, the term refers to a male occupying that position, with a female being called an administratrix.Contrast with executor (male or gender-neutral) and executrix (female),who are persons named by a will to manage and distribute one's estate.



  • noun

Synonyms for administrator

noun manager


  • manager
  • head
  • official
  • director
  • officer
  • executive
  • minister
  • boss
  • agent
  • governor
  • controller
  • supervisor
  • bureaucrat
  • superintendent
  • gaffer
  • organizer
  • mandarin
  • functionary
  • overseer
  • baas

Synonyms for administrator

noun a person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization


  • administrant
  • director
  • executive
  • manager
  • officer
  • official
  • exec

Synonyms for administrator

noun someone who administers a business


  • decision maker

Related Words

  • academic administrator
  • director
  • manager
  • managing director
  • executive
  • executive director
  • chief
  • top dog
  • head
  • hosteller
  • hotel manager
  • hotelier
  • hotelkeeper
  • hotelman
  • land agent
  • security director
  • vice chancellor

noun the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executor

Related Words

  • fiduciary

noun someone who manages a government agency or department


  • executive

Related Words

  • commissioner
  • DCI
  • Director of Central Intelligence
  • chief
  • top dog
  • head
  • prefect
  • Secretary General
  • triumvir




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