lipemia retinalis


 [lĭ-pe´me-ah] hyperlipidemia.alimentary lipemia that occurring after eating.lipemia retina´lis a milky appearance of the veins and arteries of the retina, occurring when the lipids of the blood exceed 5 per cent and in diabetes mellitus and leukemia.

li·pe·mi·a re·ti·na·'lis

a creamy appearance of the retinal blood vessels that occurs when the lipids of the blood exceed 5%.

lipemia retinalis

Internal medicine Ocular fundus whitening due to extreme hypertriglyceridemia–serum TGs of 45.2 mmol/L–4000+ mg/dL, US, associated with DM

li·pe·mi·a re·ti·na·lis

(li-pē'mē-ă ret-i-nā'lis) A creamy appearance of the retinal blood vessels that occurs when hematologic lipids exceed 5%.
Synonym(s): lipaemia retinalis, lipaemia retinalis.