

(ē-sof'ă-gos'tō-mŭm), A genus of strongyle nematodes (subfamily Oesophagostominae) that encyst in the intestinal wall of herbivores and primates, causing nodular disease. Larvae appear to stimulate a host reaction in the intestinal wall, forming nodules in which the worms complete their development (unless the host is immune); they then leave the nodule and feed as adults in the lumen of the large intestine. [G. oisophagos, gullet (esophagus), + stoma, mouth]


(ē-sof'ă-gos'tŏ-mŭm) A genus of nematodes (superfamily Strongyloidea), which parasitize the intestines of animals; larvae encyst in the intestinal wall. [G. oisophagos, gullet (esophagus), + stoma, mouth]