Acronym | Definition |
MOT➣[not an acronym] (UK term for a full-body scan medical exam; derived from the Ministry of Transport test car inspection) |
MOT➣Motor |
MOT➣Management of Technology |
MOT➣Ministry of Tourism (various countries) |
MOT➣Ministry of Trade |
MOT➣Moment Of Truth |
MOT➣Method of Transportation |
MOT➣Ministry of Transportation (Ontario, Canada) |
MOT➣Member of the Tribe (slang for a person of a given persuasion) |
MOT➣Mode of Transportation |
MOT➣Method of Test |
MOT➣Marching on Together (Leeds United fan slogan) |
MOT➣Month Of Travel |
MOT➣Motorola, Inc. (NYSE stock symbol) |
MOT➣Molecular Orbital Theory |
MOT➣Ministry of Transport (UK) |
MOT➣Museum of Transportation (various locations) |
MOT➣Maintenance of Traffic (civil engineering) |
MOT➣Ministry of Telecommunications (various locations) |
MOT➣Museum of Tolerance (Los Angeles, CA) |
MOT➣Mother of Twins (blog) |
MOT➣Mug of Tea |
MOT➣Multiple Object Tracking (attention task) |
MOT➣Memorandum of Transfer (fee) |
MOT➣Microsoft Office Trainer |
MOT➣Method of Transport |
MOT➣Mean Operating Time |
MOT➣Managed Object Toolkit |
MOT➣Magneto Optical Trap |
MOT➣Map of Tasmania |
MOT➣Microsoft Official Trainer (software professional) |
MOT➣Military Ocean Terminal |
MOT➣Means Of Testing |
MOT➣Mitsubishi Ore Transport (Japan) |
MOT➣Maintenance, Operations, Transportation (various schools) |
MOT➣Marine & Offshore Technology (various organizations) |
MOT➣Money on Time |
MOT➣Maximum Operating Temperature |
MOT➣Microwave Oven Transformer |
MOT➣Masters of Occupational Therapy |
MOT➣Multimedia Object Transfer protocol (ETSI) |
MOT➣Model Option Table (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories) |
MOT➣Marching on in Time (integral equation solution method) |
MOT➣Model Office Testing |
MOT➣Materials of Trade |
MOT➣Mark On Top |
MOT➣Minot, ND, USA - Minot International Airport (Airport Code) |
MOT➣Mother of Toilet Seat (plastic faux mother-of-pearl) |
MOT➣Matters of Testing (UK, quarterly newsletter) |
MOT➣Maximum Operating Time |
MOT➣Maintenance of Transportation |
MOT➣Main Output Transformer (connects a generating station to the power network) |
MOT➣Ministry of Transport of Japan |
MOT➣Mean Outage Time |
MOT➣Mission Oriented Training |
MOT➣Musculoskeletal Overload Trainer |
MOT➣Maturity Operational Test |
MOT➣Material Order Traveler |
MOT➣Manufacturing Operation & Tooling |