NPCINikon Photo Contest International
NPCINative Plant Conservation Initiative
NPCINuclear Power Corporation of India
NPCINouveau Parti Communiste Italien
NPCINational Payments Corporation of India
NPCINuovo Partito Comunista Italiano (Italy: New Italian Communist Party)
NPCINational Petrochemical Company of Iran
NPCINetwork Protocol Control Information (SS7 SCCP)
NPCINational Programme of Community Interest
NPCINatural Products Consulting Institute
NPCINational Petrochemical Company International (Iran)
NPCINon-Public Customer Information
NPCINormalized Pigment Chlorophyll Index
NPCINextWave Personal Communications Inc.
NPCIlayer N Protocol Control Information
NPCINano Pseudo C Interpreted
NPCINational Park Concessions Incorporated
NPCINational Payment Clearinghouse Inc.
NPCINeuroPsychiatry Consultants, Inc. (Lima, OH)
NPCInet private capital inflows
NPCINonviolent Physical Crisis Intervention
NPCINominal Protection Coefficient on Input
NPCINational Potato Chip Institute
NPCINational Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (registry)
NPCINetwork Portal Control Interface
NPCINational Pesticide Information Center
NPCINIMS-PrOptima Certified Integrator (Mycom International)
NPCINAVSEA Performance and Compliance Inspection (US Navy)
NPCIRoland Park Library Initiative
NPCINeutron Phase Contrast Imaging
NPCINational Pipeline Consequence Index
NPCINative Performance Culture Investigation (Canada)
NPCINational Pager Communications Inc.
NPCINational Policy on the Construction Industry (Zambia)
NPCInet per-capita income
NPCINavigate Person Contact Information