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lipoxidase[li′päk·sə‚dās] (biochemistry) An enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty acid. Lipoxidase an enzyme of the oxydoreductase class that oxidizes unsaturated fatty acids to peroxides. Lipoxidase was first discovered in 1934 in soybeans. It was later found to exist in the seeds of other plants and in the muscle tissue of fish and mammals. The principal substrates for lipoxygenase are linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids and their respective esters. Lipoxidase is activated by polypeptides. REFERENCEKretovich, V. L. Vvedenie v enzimologiiu. Moscow, 1967.lipoxidase
lipoxygenase [lĭ-poks´ĭ-jĕ-nās] an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids to form a peroxide of the acid.lipooxygenase , lipoxygenase (lip-ooks'ĭ-jen-ās, lip-oks'ĭ-jen-ās), Any of a family of enzymes that convert unsaturated fatty acids to peroxides; important in the synthesis of leukotrienes from arachidonic acid. Synonym(s): carotene oxidase, lipoxidase [lipo- + oxygen + -ase] li·pox·y·ge·nase (li-poks'ē-jĕ-nās) An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids with O2 to yield hydroperoxides of the fatty acids. Synonym(s): lipoxidase. li·pox·y·ge·nase (li-poks'ē-jĕ-nās) An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids with O2 to yield hydroperoxides of the fatty acids. Synonym(s): lipoxidase. |