释义 |
OFabbr.1. Old French2. a. outfieldb. outfielder
of O0036500 (ŭv, ŏv; əv when unstressed)prep.1. Derived or coming from; originating at or from: customs of the South.2. Caused by; resulting from: a death of tuberculosis.3. Away from; at a distance from: a mile east of here.4. So as to be separated or relieved from: robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper.5. From the total or group comprising: give of one's time; two of my friends; most of the cases.6. Composed or made from: a dress of silk.7. Associated with or adhering to: people of your religion.8. Belonging or connected to: the rungs of a ladder.9. a. Possessing; having: a person of honor.b. On one's part: very nice of you.10. Containing or carrying: a basket of groceries.11. Specified as; named or called: a depth of ten feet; the Garden of Eden.12. Centering on; directed toward: a love of horses.13. Produced by; issuing from: products of the vine.14. Characterized or identified by: a year of famine.15. a. With reference to; about: think highly of her proposals; will speak of it later.b. In respect to: slow of speech.16. Set aside for; taken up by: a day of rest.17. Before; until: five minutes of two.18. During or on a specified time: of recent years.19. By: beloved of the family.20. Used to indicate an appositive: that idiot of a driver.21. Archaic On: "A plague of all cowards, I say" (Shakespeare). [Middle English, from Old English; see apo- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: The "double genitive" construction, in which a possessive form appears as the object of the preposition of, as in a friend of my father's or a book of mine, is looked down on by some grammarians and usage critics. But this construction has been used in English since the 1300s and serves a useful purpose. It can help sort out ambiguous phrases like Bob's photograph, which could mean either "a photograph of Bob" (i.e., revealing Bob's image) or "a photograph that is in Bob's possession." A photograph of Bob's, on the other hand, can only be a photo that Bob has in his possession and may or may not show Bob's image. There are also cases in which the double genitive may be more elegant; for example, many speakers find such sentences as That's your only friend that I've ever met or That's your only friend I've ever met to be awkward or impossible, but rephrasing using the double genitive provides an acceptable alternative, as in That's the only friend of yours that I've ever met. • Adverbs of degree, such as too, that, and so, tend to cause a shift in the word order of a sentence under certain circumstances. For instance, it's common to speak of "a long movie" or "a big deal," but not of "a too long movie" or "a that big deal." The customary way of rewording in these cases is to place the adverb and adjective before the indefinite article rather than after it: too long a movie; that big a deal. Often, especially in speech, an of is inserted as well: too long of a movie; that big of a deal. But this construction using of is considered ungrammatical; in our 2012 survey, 74 percent of the Usage Panel found the sentence That's too long of a movie for me to sit through unacceptable. A somewhat smaller number, but still a majority—58 percent—disapproved of He wanted to apologize, but I told him it wasn't that big of a deal.Our Living Language Some speakers of vernacular English varieties, particularly in isolated or mountainous regions of the Southern United States, use phrases such as of a night or of an evening in place of at night or in the evening, as in We'd go hunting of an evening. This of construction is used only when referring to a repeated action, where Standard English uses nights, evenings, and the like, as in We'd go hunting nights. It is not used for single actions, as in She returned at night. · These of and -s constructions are related. The -s construction, which dates back to the Old English period (c. 449-1100), does not signify a plurality but is similar to the so-called genitive suffix -s, which often indicates possession, as in the king's throne. Just as this example can also be phrased as the throne of the king, nights can be reformulated as of a night. This reformulation has been possible since the Middle English period (c. 1100-1500). Sometimes the original -s ending remains in the of construction, as in We'd walk to the store of evenings, but usually it is omitted. Using of with adverbial time phrases has not always been confined to vernacular speech, as is evidenced by its occurrence in sources ranging from the Wycliffite Bible (1382) to Theodore Dreiser's 1911 novel Jennie Gerhardt: "There was a place out in one corner of the veranda where he liked to sit of a spring or summer evening." · Using such of constructions reflects a long-standing tendency for English speakers to eliminate the case endings that were once attached to nouns to indicate their role as subject, object, or possessor. Nowadays, word order and the use of prepositional phrases usually determine a noun's role. Despite the trend to replace genitive -s with of phrases, marking adverbial phrases of time with of is fading out of American vernacular usage, probably because one can form these phrases without -s, as in at night.of (ɒv; unstressed əv) prep1. used with a verbal noun or gerund to link it with a following noun that is either the subject or the object of the verb embedded in the gerund: the breathing of a fine swimmer (subject); the breathing of clean air (object). 2. used to indicate possession, origin, or association: the house of my sister; to die of hunger. 3. used after words or phrases expressing quantities: a pint of milk. 4. constituted by, containing, or characterized by: a family of idiots; a rod of iron; a man of some depth. 5. used to indicate separation, as in time or space: within a mile of the town; within ten minutes of the beginning of the concert. 6. used to mark apposition: the city of Naples; a speech on the subject of archaeology. 7. about; concerning: speak to me of love. 8. used in passive constructions to indicate the agent: he was beloved of all. 9. informal used to indicate a day or part of a period of time when some activity habitually occurs: I go to the pub of an evening. 10. US before the hour of: a quarter of nine. [Old English (as prep and adv); related to Old Norse af, Old High German aba, Latin ab, Greek apo]Usage: See at off
OF abbreviation for (Languages) Old French (language) of1 (ʌv, ɒv; unstressed əv or, esp. before consonants, ə) prep. 1. (used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.): within a mile of the house; robbed of one's money. 2. (used to indicate derivation or origin): the songs of Gershwin. 3. (used to indicate cause or reason): dead of hunger. 4. (used to indicate material, substance, or contents): a dress of silk; a book of poems. 5. (used to indicate apposition or identity): a genius of a pilot. 6. (used to indicate possession or association): property of the church. 7. (used to indicate inclusion in a number, class, or whole): one of us. 8. (used to indicate the object of the action noted by the preceding noun, verb, or adjective): the ringing of bells; to write of home; tired of working. 9. (used to indicate qualities or attributes): a woman of courage. 10. (used to indicate a specified time): They arrived of an evening. 11. before the hour of; until: ten minutes of one. 12. on the part of: It was nice of you to come. 13. set aside for or devoted to: a minute of prayer. 14. Archaic. by: consumed of worms. [before 900; Middle English, Old English: of, off; c. German ab, Latin ab, Greek apó] usage: of with an adjective after the adverb how or too is largely characteristic of informal speech: How long of a drive will it be? It's too hot of a day for tennis. This is often criticized in more formal situations. See also couple, off. of2 (əv) auxiliary v. Nonstandard. have: He should of asked me. Compare a4. of- var. of ob- (by assimilation) before f: offend. OF Old French. of1. possession and other relationshipsOf is used for showing possession. It can also be used to show other types of relationship between people or things. It was the home of a schoolteacher.She was the sister of the Duke of Urbino.At the top of the hill Jackson paused for breath.You can use of in front of a possessive pronoun such as mine, his, or theirs. You do this to show that someone is one of a group of people or things connected with a particular person. For example, instead of saying 'He is one of my friends', you can say 'He is a friend of mine.' He's a very good friend of ours.I talked to a colleague of yours recently.You can use of like this in front of other possessives. He's a friend of my mother's.She was a cousin of Lorna Cook's.The 's is sometimes omitted, especially in American English. He's a close friend of the President.Be Careful! Don't use 'of' in front of a personal pronoun such as 'me', 'him', or 'them'. Don't say, for example, 'the sister of me'. Instead you use a possessive determiner such as my, his, or their. My sister visited us last week.He had his hands in his pockets.Consider the future of our society.You don't usually use 'of' in front of short noun phrases. Instead you use 's or the apostrophe '. For example, instead of saying 'the car of my friend', you say 'my friend's car'. I can hear Raoul's voice.This is Mr Duffield's sister.We watched the President's speech.The notice is in all our colleagues' offices.See 's2. descriptionsYou can sometimes use of and a noun phrase to describe something, instead of using an adjective and a grading adverb. For example, instead of saying that something is 'very interesting', you can say that it is of great interest. This is a rather formal use. It will be of great interest to you.The result is of little importance.When you use an adjective to comment on an action, you can put of and a pronoun after the adjective. The pronoun refers to the person who has performed the action. For example, you can say 'That was stupid of you'. It was brave of them.I'm sorry, that was silly of me.3. works of artDon't talk about a book 'of' a particular author, or a piece of music 'of' a particular composer. Instead, use by. Have you read the latest book by Hilda Offen?We'll hear some pieces by Mozart.Similarly, you use by to indicate who painted a picture. A picture of a particular person shows that person in the picture. We saw the famous painting by Rubens, The Straw Hat.The museum owns a 16th century painting of Henry VIII.4. placesYou can talk about the capital of a country, state, or province. We went to Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia.However, don't talk about a town or village 'of' a particular country or area. Instead, use in. He lives in a small town in Southern Ecuador.My favourite town in Shropshire is Ludlow.You also use in, rather than 'of', after superlatives. For example, you talk about 'the tallest building in Europe'. Don't say 'the tallest building of Europe'. These are the biggest lizards in the world.Thesaurusofpreposition about, on, concerning, regarding, with respect to, as regards I was thinking of you the other day.Translationsof (əv) preposition1. belonging to. a friend of mine. 屬於…的 属于...的2. away from (a place etc); after (a given time). within five miles of London; within a year of his death. (表示空間或時間的距離) 在,当(表示人或事的时空位置) 3. written etc by. the plays of Shakespeare. 由...所寫 由...所写4. belonging to or forming a group. He is one of my friends. 屬於...的 属于...的5. showing. a picture of my father. 關於...的 关于...的6. made from; consisting of. a dress of silk; a collection of pictures. (表示...種類的) 表示...种类的7. used to show an amount, measurement of something. a gallon of petrol; five bags of coal. (表示...的數量) 表示...的数量8. about. an account of his work. 關於... 关于...9. containing. a box of chocolates. (表示具有某種內容) 表示具有某种内容10. used to show a cause. She died of hunger. (表示原因) (表示原因)由于,因为 11. used to show a loss or removal. She was robbed of her jewels. (表示失去...的) 表示失去...的12. used to show the connection between an action and its object. the smoking of a cigarette. 表示動作的主體 表示动作的主体13. used to show character, qualities etc. a man of courage. (表示某性質) 表示某性质14. (American) (of time) a certain number of minutes before (the hour). It's ten minutes of three. (表示時間的範圍) (表示时间的范围)在…的,在…之前,在…期间 of → We've reserved an apartment in the name of ... (US) We've booked an apartment in the name of ... (UK)It wasn't your right of wayWhat is the soup of the day?of See:- (a) quarter of (a given hour in time)
- (a)hold of (someone or something)
- (all) of a piece
- (as) artful as a wagonload of monkeys
- (as) black as the ace of spades
- (as) clever as a wagonload of monkeys
- (as) close as two coats of paint
- (as) cocky as the king of spades
- (as) crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
- (as) easy as falling off a log
- (as) funny as a barrel of monkeys
- (as) mad as a box of frogs
- (do something) like it's going out of style
- (even) the best of friends must part
- (Have you) been keeping out of trouble?
- (Holy) Mother of God
- (in) back of (something)
- (it's/that's the) story of my life
- (I've been) keeping out of trouble
- (just) for the devil of it
- (just) for the fun of it
- (just) for the heck of it
- (just) one of those days
- (one) (has) never heard (of) such a thing
- (one) has a bright future ahead (of one)
- (one) never would have guessed
- (one) only has one pair of hands
- (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
- (one's) eyes are popping out of (one's) head
- (one's) eyes pop out of (one's) head
- (one's) fair share (of something)
- (one's) fill (of something)
- (one's) good deed of the day
- (one's) heart of hearts
- (one's) line of country
- (one's) next of kin
- (one's) nose is out of joint
- (one's) only got one pair of hands
- (one's) way out of a paper bag
- (one's) word (of honor)
- (straight) out of central casting
- (that's) a hell of a note
- (that's) enough (of this) foolishness
- (that's) the nature of the beast
- (the) best of (an odd number)
- (the) good is the enemy of (the) best
- (the) good is the enemy of (the) great
- (the) man of the moment
- (the) man/woman of the hour
- (the) right of way
- (the) survival of the fittest
- (the) top of the line
- (the) woman of the moment
- (there's) no fear of (something)
- 15 minutes of fame
- a (good/solid/sound/etc.) grasp of/on (something)
- a (kind of) reflection on (someone or something)
- a (kind of) turn of mind
- a (new) lick of paint
- a (person) of substance
- a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
- a (unit of time) or two
- a (whole) host of (something)
- a (whole) raft of (something)
- a bad quarter of an hour
- a bag of bones
- a bag of nerves
- a bag of tricks
- a bag/box of tricks
- a bag/bundle of nerves
- a bag-of-spanners face
- a ball of fire
- a baptism of fire
- a barrel of laughs
- a barrel/bundle of laughs
- a battle of nerves
- a battle of wills
- a battle of wits
- a bed of nails
- a bed of roses
- a bird of passage
- a bit of a stretch
- a bit of a...
- a bit of a/an
- a bit of all right
- a bit of crackling
- a bit of how's your father
- a bit of rough
- a bit of the action
- a bit out of it
- a bite at/of the cherry
- a bite of the cherry
- a blind bit of
- a blind bit of (something)
- a bolt from the blue
- a bone of contention
- a bowl of cherries
- a box of birds
- a box of tricks
- a breath of fresh air
- a brick short of a load
- a broth of a boy
- a bunch of baloney
- a bunch of fives
- a bunch of malarkey
- a bundle of fun
- a bundle of joy
- a bundle of nerves
- a call of nature
- a can of corn
- a can of worms
- a candidate for a pair of wings
- a capful of wind
- a captain of industry
- a card-carrying member (of something)
- a case of (something)
- a case of mistaken identity
- a case of the blind leading the blind
- a change of heart
- a change of pace
- a change of scene
- a change of scenery
- a change of tack
- a chapter of accidents
- a chunk of change
- a clean bill of health
- a coign of vantage
- a cold piece of work
- a committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
- a conspiracy of silence
- a counsel of despair
- a counsel of perfection
- a couple of (people or things)
- a course of action
- a creature of habit
- a den of iniquity
- a den of iniquity/vice
- a deuce of a
- a deuce of a (something)
- a devil of a
- a devil of a job
- a devil of a time
- a dialogue of the deaf
- a difference of opinion
- a different kettle of fish
- a disaster of epic proportions
- a dose of (one's) own medicine
- a dose of your own medicine
- a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
- a face like a bag of spanners
- a fact of life
- a fair crack of the whip
- a fan of (someone or something)
- a fat lot of good
- a fat lot of good/help/use
- a fat lot of use
- a few bricks short of a (full) load
- a few bricks shy/short of a load
- a few cards short of a (full) deck
- a few cards shy of a (full) deck
- a few fries short of a Happy Meal
- a few sandwiches short of a picnic
- a few, two, etc. bricks short of a load
- a figment of somebody's imagination
- a figure of fun
- a fine state of affairs
- a fish out of water
- a flight of fancy
- a frame of mind
- a free bit of advice
- a fresh lick of paint
- a friend of Dorothy
- a game of musical chairs
- a grain of mustard seed
- a grand old man of
- a hair of the dog
- a harbinger of things to come
- a head of steam
- a heart of gold
- a heck of a
- a hell of a
- a hell of a mess
- a hill of beans
- a hive of activity
- a honey of a (something)
- a horse of another
- a horse of another color
- a horse of another colour
- a house of cards
- a jack of all trades
- a Jill of all trades is a master of none
- a job of work
- a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
- a kernel of truth
- a kind of
- a kind of (something)
- a labour of Hercules
- a labour of love
- a lady of leisure
- a lash of scorpions
- a laundry list of (something)
- a lease of life
- a lick of paint
- a lick of work
- a lick with the rough side of the tongue
- a life of its own
- a little bit of bread and no cheese
- a load of baloney
- a load of bunk
- a load of nonsense
- a load of rubbish
- a load of rubbish, nonsense, etc.
- a lot of
- a lot of baloney
- a lot of bunk
- a lot of malarkey
- a lot of moola
- a lot of nerve
- a lot of pluck
- a lot of promise
- a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
- a man of few words
- a man of God/the cloth
- a man of his word
- a man of letters
- a man of my kidney
- a man of parts
- a man of straw
- a man of the people
- a man of the world
- a man/woman of few words
- a man/woman of parts
- a man/woman of the people
- a man/woman of the world
- a man/woman/person of action
- a matter of (something)
- a matter of course
- a matter of days, miles, pounds, etc.
- a matter of form
- a matter of life and death
- a matter of life or death
- a matter of record
- a matter of time
- a meeting of minds
- a mess of pottage
- a mind of its own
- a mind of own
- a mine of information
- a month of Sundays
- a mouth full of South
- a multitude of sins
- a nasty piece of work
- a new lease of life
- a number of
- a number of (something)
- a pack of lies
- a pair of hands
- a paragon of virtue
- a parting of the ways
- a peach of a
- a peach of a (something)
- a pearl of wisdom
- a picture of
- a piece of (one's) mind
- a piece of cake
- a piece of mind
- a piece of old tackie
- a piece of piss
- a piece of the action
- a piece of the pie
- a piece of work
- a piece/slice of the action
- a pig of a (something)
- a pig of a something
- a pillar of society
- a pillar of society, etc.
- a pillar/tower of strength
- a point of departure
- a point of honor
- a point of honour
- a point of pride
- a point of view
- a port of call
- a portent of things to come
- a pot of gold
- a practical, scientific, etc. turn of mind
- a pretty kettle of fish
- a pretty state of affairs
- a prophet of doom
- a question of time
- a raft of
- a ray of sunshine
- a reign of terror
- a rope of sand
- a rule of thumb
- a run of (good) luck
- a run of bad luck
- a rush of blood
- a sad state (of affairs)
- a safe pair of hands
- a sandwich short of a picnic
- a sandwich shy of a picnic
- a school of thought
- a seal of approval
- a second bite at the cherry
- a sense of occasion
- a shade (something)
- a shade of
- a shade of (something)
- a shadow of (one's) former self
- a shadow of (one's) old self
- a shadow of (oneself)
- a shadow of your former self
- a share/slice of the cake
- a shopping list of (something)
- a show of force
- a show of hands
- a sign of the times
- a sign of things to come
- a slew of (something)
- a slice of life
- a slice of the cake
- a slip of a
- a slip of a boy, girl, etc.
- a slip of the pen
- a slip of the tongue
- a slip of the tongue/pen
- a slue of (something)
- a sorry state (of affairs)
- a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
- a spot of how's your father
- a spot of lunch
- a state of affairs
- a stay of execution
- a sticky situation
- a stonker of a (something)
- a streak of (good) luck
- a streak of bad luck
- a stroke of luck
- a tall drink of water
- a taste of (one's) own medicine
- a taste of own medicine
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever
- a thing of shreds and patches
- a thing of the past
- a tip of the hat
- a tissue of lies
- a touch of the sun
- a tower of strength
- a train of thought
- a trick worth two of (something)
- a trick worth two of that
- a turn of phrase
- a turn of speed
- a turn of the screw
- a variation on the theme of (something)
- a vote of thanks
- a walk of life
- a war of nerves
- a war of words
- a waste of breath
- a waste of energy
- a waste of space
- a whale of a
- a whale of a (good) time
- a whole lot of (something)
- a whole raft of
- a wind of change
- a wind/the winds of change
- a window of opportunity
- a wink of sleep
- a wise man of Gotham
- a woman of few words
- a woman of her word
- a woman, man, person, etc. of substance
- a world of
- a world of (something)
- a world of difference
- a world of good
- a/(one's) place of business
- a/(one's) point of view
- a/one hell of a...
- a/one side of the picture
- a/one side of the story
- a/one side of the story/picture
- a/the devil of a job, nuisance, fellow, etc.
- a/the feel of (something)
- a/the land of milk and honey
- a/the parting of the ways
- a/the son of a gun
- a/the sword of Damocles
- a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one)
- a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
- a/the turn of events
- a/the world of difference
- a/the/somebody's way of life
- abbreviated piece of nothing
- about the size of it
- above and beyond
- above and beyond the call of duty
- abreast of
- absolve (one) of (something)
- absolve from
- abuse of distress
- abuse of privileges
- accident of birth
- accuse (one) of (something)
- accuse of
- acknowledge (the) receipt of (something)
- acknowledge receipt of
- acquit (one) of (something)
- acquit of
- act of Congress
- act of faith
- act of God
- admit of
- admit of (something)
- advise (one) of (something)
- advise of
- afraid of (one's) own shadow
- afraid of one's own shadow
- afraid of own shadow
- afraid of your own shadow
- after the fashion of
- after the fashion of (someone or something)
- after the fashion of somebody/something
- after the style of
- against the run of play
- age before beauty
- age of consent
- ahead of
- ahead of (one's)/its time
- ahead of (someone or something's) time
- ahead of one's time
- ahead of schedule
- ahead of the curve
- ahead of the game
- ahead of the pack
- ahead of time
- ahead of your time
- ahead of your/its time
- ahead of/behind the curve
- ahead of/behind time
- ain't got a grain of sense
- ain't got a lick of sense
- air of pretension
- all corners of the earth
- all corners of the world
- all hours
- all hours (of the day and night)
- all kinds of
- all manner of
- all manner of somebody/something
- all of
- all of (something)
- all of a dither
- all of a doodah
- all of a piece
- all of a piece with (something)
- all of a piece with something
- all of a size
- all of a sudden
- all of something
- all of the above
- all over creation
- all over Hell and half of Georgia
- all the best
- all the tea in China
- all walks of life
- all y'all
- all y'all's
- allow of
- allow of (something)
- along the lines of
- along the lines of (something)
- alongside of
- alter beyond (all) recognition
- alter out of (all) recognition
- Ambassador of Morocco
- amount to a hill of beans
- an act of faith
- an act of God
- an act of war
- an ambulance at the bottom of a cliff
- an article of faith
- an attack of (some illness)
- an embarrassment of riches
- an ocean of (something)
- an ocean of something
- an ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory
- an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit
- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- and the rest
- angel dust
12345678910111213Oe, Kenzaburo Oe, Kenzaburo (kĕn'zäbo͝or`ō ō`ā), 1935–, Japanese writer, b. Ose, on the island of Shikoku. At 18, he left his remote village and traveled to the capital, where he studied at Tokyo Univ. and began writing. In 1958 he won the Akutagawa Prize for a short story and published his first novel, Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids (tr. 1995). Five years later the birth of his severely brain-damaged son marked a turning point in his life and work. His best known novel, A Personal Matter (1964, tr. 1968), deals with a father's slow acceptance of his similarly handicapped infant son. Several of his other works concern this theme. In life, he and his wife have devoted much of their lives to their son's care. Oe's other works include more than 20 novels, among them The Silent Cry (1967, tr. 1974), The Pinch Runner Memorandum (1976, tr. 1993), and A Quiet Life (1990, tr. 1996), several short-story collections, essays, and Hiroshima Notes (1965, tr. 1995), which chronicles the courage of the victims of the nuclear attack. His often angry and politically charged tales, his recurrent themes of abnormality, sexuality, and marginality, and his gritty, realistic style set him apart from the mainstream Japanese literary tradition. In 1994 Oe was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Somersault (1999, tr. 2003), his first novel after winning the prize, concerns a terrorist religious cult and its charismatic leader. His own life informs The Changeling (2000, tr. 2010), which revolves around the suicide of the main character's filmmaker brother-in-law, and Death by Water (2009, tr. 2015), a search for the meaning of a father's mysterious red trunk and death by drowning and the sources of inspiration. His firstborn son, Hikari Oe, 1963–, although initially uncommunicative and still only minimally functional, developed impressive musical abilities and has become an accomplished composer. OF
OF Abbreviation for: open field operating framework orbitofrontal organ failure osmotic fragility ossifying fibroma oxidation fermentationOsmotic FragilitySynonym/acronym: Red blood cell osmotic fragility, OF. Common use To assess the fragility of erythrocytes related to red blood cell lysis toward diagnosing diseases such as hemolytic anemia. Specimen Whole blood (1 mL) collected in a green-top (heparin) tube and two peripheral blood smears. Normal findings (Method: Spectrophotometry) Hemolysis (unincubated) begins at 0.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution and is complete at 0.3% NaCl solution. Results are compared to a normal curve. Description Osmotic fragility (OF) is an indication of the ability of red blood cells (RBCs) to experience osmotic stress and take on water without lysing. Normal RBC membranes must be flexible to changes in plasma concentrations of electrolytes and other substances. In this test, RBCs are placed in graded dilutions of sodium chloride (NaCl). Swelling of the cells occurs at lower concentrations of NaCl as they take on water in the hypotonic solution, i.e. the concentration of electrolyte is higher inside the RBC and in order to establish equilibrium with the surrounding fluid, the RBC must take on water by osmosis. Normal RBC can absorb an increased volume because of their bicocave shape, they have more surface area and can swell. Thicker cells, such as spherocytes, have an increased OF because they are already spherical, already have weak membranes, and cannot take on more volume without lysing; thinner cells have a decreased OF. This procedure is contraindicated forIndicationsPotential diagnosisIncreased inDecreased inConditions that produce RBCs with a large surface-to-volume ratio or RBCs that are flatter than normal will have decreased osmotic fragility. Asplenia (abnormal cells are not removed from circulation due to absence of spleen; target cells) Hemoglobinopathies (abnormal RBCs in size and shape; target cells, drepanocytes) Iron-deficiency anemia (abnormal RBCs in size and shape; target cells) Liver disease (abnormal RBCs in size and shape; target cells) Thalassemias (abnormal RBCs in size and shape; target cells)
Critical findingsInterfering factors- Drugs that may increase osmotic fragility include dapsone.
- Parasitic infestations, such as malaria, may independently cause cell hemolysis.
- Specimens should be submitted for analysis immediately after collection.
Nursing Implications and ProcedurePretest- Positively identify the patient using at least two unique identifiers before providing care, treatment, or services.
- Patient Teaching: Inform the patient this test can assist in assessing for anemia.
- Obtain a history of the patient’s complaints, including a list of known allergens, especially allergies or sensitivities to latex.
- Obtain a history of the patient’s hematopoietic system, symptoms, and results of previously performed laboratory tests and diagnostic and surgical procedures.
- Obtain a list of the patient’s current medications, including herbs, nutritional supplements, and nutraceuticals (see Effects of Natural Products on Laboratory Values).
- Review the procedure with the patient. Inform the patient that specimen collection takes approximately 5 to 10 min. Address concerns about pain and explain that there may be some discomfort during the venipuncture.
- Sensitivity to social and cultural issues, as well as concern for modesty, is important in providing psychological support before, during, and after the procedure.
- Note that there are no food, fluid, or medication restrictions unless by medical direction.
Intratest- Potential complications: N/A
- Avoid the use of equipment containing latex if the patient has a history of allergic reaction to latex.
- Instruct the patient to cooperate fully and to follow directions. Direct the patient to breathe normally and to avoid unnecessary movement.
- Observe standard precautions, and follow the general guidelines in Patient Preparation and Specimen Collection. Positively identify the patient, and label the appropriate specimen container with the corresponding patient demographics, initials of the person collecting the specimen, date, and time of collection. Perform a venipuncture.
- Remove the needle and apply direct pressure with dry gauze to stop bleeding. Observe/assess venipuncture site for bleeding or hematoma formation and secure gauze with adhesive bandage.
- Promptly transport the specimen to the laboratory for processing and analysis.
Post-Test- Inform the patient that a report of the results will be made available to the requesting health-care provider (HCP), who will discuss the results with the patient.
- Reinforce information given by the patient’s HCP regarding further testing, treatment, or referral to another HCP. Answer any questions or address any concerns voiced by the patient or family.
- Depending on the results of this procedure, additional testing may be performed to evaluate or monitor progression of the disease process and determine the need for a change in therapy. Evaluate test results in relation to the patient’s symptoms and other tests performed.
Related Monographs- Related tests include CBC, CBC RBC indices, CBC RBC morphology, culture blood, G6PD, Ham’s test, hemoglobin electrophoresis, iron, and PK.
- Refer to the Hematopoietic System table at the end of the book for related tests by body system.
Acronym | Definition |
OF➣Old French | OF➣officer (NATO) | OF➣Overflow | OF➣Optical Fiber | OF➣Outfield (Baseball, Softball) | OF➣Outfielder | OF➣Outfitting | OF➣Old Fart | OF➣Output File (Linux command line) | OF➣Oil Fired | OF➣Oxygen-Free | OF➣Old Face | OF➣Opposing Force | OF➣OutFront (web development help site and forum community) | OF➣Overland Flow | OF➣Original Formulation (pharmaceutical) | OF➣Optional Form | OF➣Obstacle Free | OF➣Open Firmware | OF➣Overflow Flag | OF➣Operation Firestorm | OF➣Objective Force (US Army) | OF➣Operand Fetch (Von Neumann cycle step) | OF➣Object Finance | OF➣Owner's Funds (finance) | OF➣Ordem dos Farmacêuticos (Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society) | OF➣Osservatorio Finanziario (Italian: Financial Observatory) | OF➣Olivier Fraysse | OF➣Optical Fuse (Delaire) | OF➣Over-Water Fetch (meteorology) | OF➣Old Fettesian (Fettes College; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) | OF➣Osvobodilna Fronta | OF➣Osseointegration Foundation | OF➣One Fitness Sdn. Bhd (Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia) |
Synonyms for ofprep aboutSynonyms- about
- on
- concerning
- regarding
- with respect to
- as regards