
mush 1

M0493400 (mŭsh, mo͝osh)n.1. A thick porridge or pudding of cornmeal boiled in water or milk.2. Something thick, soft, and pulpy.3. Informal Mawkish sentimentality, affection, or mushed, mush·ing, mush·es To reduce to mush; mash or crush.
[Probably alteration of mash.]

mush 2

M0493400 (mŭsh)v. mushed, mush·ing, mush·es v.intr. To travel, especially over snow with a To drive (a dogsled or team of dogs).n. A journey, especially by dogsled.interj. Used to command a team of dogs to begin pulling or move faster.
[Possibly alteration of French marchons, first person pl. imperative of marcher, to walk, go, from Old French; see march1.]
mush′er n.


(mʌʃt) or


adjsquashed; mashed