Langerhans cells

Lan·ger·hans cells

(lahng'ĕr-hahnz), 1. dendritic clear cells in the epidermis, containing distinctive granules that appear rod- or racket-shaped in section, but lacking tonofilaments, melanosomes, and desmosomes; they carry surface receptors for immunoglobulin (Fc) and complement (C3), and are believed to be antigen fixing and processing cells of monocytic origin; active participants in cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity. Synonym(s): interdigitating dendritic cells2. cells seen in eosinophilic granuloma and lymphoma of the lungs. Synonym(s): dendritic cell

Lan·ger·hans cells

(lahng'er-hahnz selz) 1. Dendritic clear cells in the epidermis containing distinctive granules but lacking tonofilaments, melanosomes, and desmosomes; they carry surface receptors for immunoglobulin (Fc) and complement (C3), and are believed to be antigen-fixing and processing cells of monocytic origin; active participants in cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity. 2. Cells seen in eosinophilic granuloma and lymphoma of the lungs.

Langerhans cells

cells involved in the presentation of antigens to bring about an immune response; such cells are found in the skin and the gastrointestinal tract.


Paul, German anatomist, 1847-1888. islets of Langerhans - cellular masses composed of different cell types that comprise the endocrine portion of the pancreas and are the source of insulin and glucagon. Synonym(s): islet tissue; Langerhans islands; pancreatic islands; pancreatic isletsLangerhans cell granulomatosisLangerhans cells - dendritic clear cells in the epidermis that are active participants in cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity.Langerhans granule - a small membrane-bound granule first reported in Langerhans cells of the epidermis. Synonym(s): Birbeck granuleLangerhans islands - Synonym(s): islets of Langerhans

Lan·ger·hans cells

(lahng'er-hahnz selz) Dendritic clear cells in epidermis, containing distinctive granules that appear rod- or racket-shaped in section, but lacking tonofilaments, melanosomes, and desmosomes.