Langevin function

Langevin function

A mathematical function which is important in the theory of paramagnetism and in the theory of the dielectric properties of insulators. The analytical expression for the Langevin function is shown in the equation below. If . The paramagnetic susceptibility of a classical (non-quantum-mechanical) collection of magnetic dipoles is given by the Langevin function, as is the polarizability of molecules having a permanent electric dipole moment. See Paramagnetism

Langevin function

[länzh·van ‚fəŋk·shən] (electromagnetism) A mathematical function, L (x), which occurs in the expressions for the paramagnetic susceptibility of a classical (non-quantum-mechanical) collection of magnetic dipoles, and for the polarizability of molecules having a permanent electric dipole moment; given by L (x) = coth x- 1/ x.