Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Parks Directory of the United States / Marine SanctuariesAddress:115 Railroad Ave East, Suite 301
Port Angeles, WA 98362

Web: olympiccoast.noaa.gov
Location:Sanctuary covers 135 miles along the Washington Coast from about CapeFlatteryto themouth of the Copalis River, sharing 65 miles of coastline with OlympicNational Park (see separate entry in national parks section) andextending out 35 miles from the shoreline. Three national wildliferefuges are located within the Sanctuary: Flattery Rocks NWR,QuillayuteNeedles NWR and Copalis Rock NWR (see separate entries in nationalwildlife refuge section).
Activities:Whale watching, scuba diving, fishing, sea kayaking, surfing.
Special Features:The sanctuary is home to one of the largest bald eagle populations in the lower 48 states. During annual migrations, the number of seabirds, shorebirds, and waterfowl can easily exceed one million. Description:Description: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary encircles 3,310 square miles of Pacific Ocean. The sanctuary encompasses the entire continental shelf, extending out to the 100 fathom isobath, as well as deeper waters at the heads of Juan de Fuca, Quinault, and Nitnat submarine canyons. Common Species: Harbor seal, harbor porpoise, Pacific white-sided dolphin, Risso's dolphin, humpback whale, California gray whale, sea otter, tufted puffin. Environmental Issues: Vessel traffic, the impact of fishing on the environment, water quality, and the possibility of oil spills. Habitats: Sand and cobble beaches, rocks, subtidal reefs, offshore islands, sea stacks and arches, tidepools, submarine canyons, and plankton-rich upwelling zones. Access: Visitors can access the sanctuary waters through Neah Bay on the Makah Indian Reservation, La Push on the Quileute Reservation, Olympic National Park, and Pacific Beach State Park. Each area provides various routes to the sanctuary including marinas, boat launches, and walking trails.
Year Designated: 1994.

See other parks in Washington.