Material Safety Data Sheet

Material Safety Data Sheet

A document that contains information and instructions on hazardous materials present in the workplace in the USA. MSDSs contain details about hazards and risks relevant to the substance, requirements for its safe handling, and actions required in case of fire, spill or overexposure. They are used by employers to help comply with OSHA standards and with governmental requirements.

Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Occupational safety A document containing information and instructions on hazardous materials present in the workplace; MSDSs contain details about hazards and risks relevant to the substance, requirements for its safe handling, and actions to be taken in the event of fire, spill, or overexposure. See Hazardous materials.

Ma·te·ri·al Safe·ty Da·ta Sheet

(MSDS) (mă-tēr'ē-ăl sāf'tē dā'tă shēt) 1. The document provided by chemical or industrial manufacturers that contains information on hazardous chemicals. A MSDS includes: nature of the chemical, precautions to take in using the chemical, conditions of safe use, clean-up procedure during a spillage accident, and recommended disposal procedures. 2. Information sheets generally prepared by manufacturers listing ingredients by generic name, toxic properties, recommendations for safe use, and other important information.