Nikita Ivanovich Romanov

Romanov, Nikita Ivanovich


Date of birth unknown; died Dec. 11 (21), 1654. Russian political figure of the mid-17th century. A relative of tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Aleksei Mikhailovich.

Romanov became a boyar in 1645. He supported the boyar group that included Prince Ia. K. Cherkasskii and the Shereme-tevs and that opposed the government of B. I. Morozov. He fought in the Smolensk campaign of 1654.

Romanov was the largest property owner and the richest man of his time. Since he had no children, his property reverted upon his death to the tsar. According to a record of 1647–48, Romanov owned more than 7,000 households, including the two patrimonial cities of Skopin and Romanovo Gorodishche.


Smirnov, P. P. Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor’ba do serediny X VII v., vol. 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.