

单词 methadone




M0252700 (mĕth′ə-dōn′)n. A potent synthetic narcotic drug, C21H27NO, that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs. It may also be used for chronic pain management.
[Short for methadone hydrochloride : (di)meth(yl) + a(mino) + d(iphenyl) + (heptan)one, a ketone (heptan(e) + -one).]


(ˈmɛθəˌdəʊn) or


n (Pharmacology) a narcotic analgesic drug similar to morphine, used to treat opiate addiction. Formula: C21H27NO[C20: from (di)meth(yl) + a(mino) + d(iphenyl) + -one]


(ˈmɛθ əˌdoʊn)

also meth•a•don


n. a synthetic narcotic, C21H28ClNO, similar to morphine but effective orally, used in the relief of pain and as a heroin substitute in the treatment of heroin addiction. [1947, Amer.; meth (yl) + a (mino) + d (iphenyl) + (heptan)one a ketone derivative of heptane]
Noun1.methadone - synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-formingmethadone - synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addictiondolophine hydrochloride, methadon, methadone hydrochloride, synthetic heroin, fixernarcotic - a drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addiction




(mĕth`ədōn', –dŏn'), synthetic narcoticnarcotic,
any of a number of substances that have a depressant effect on the nervous system. The chief narcotic drugs are opium, its constituents morphine and codeine, and the morphine derivative heroin.

See also drug addiction and drug abuse.
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 similar in effect to morphinemorphine,
principal derivative of opium, which is the juice in the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. It was first isolated from opium in 1803 by the German pharmacist F. W. A. Sertürner, who named it after Morpheus, the god of dreams.
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. Synthesized in Germany, it came into clinical use after World War II. It is sometimes used as an analgesic and to suppress the cough reflex.

In the brains of addicts, methadone prevents heroinheroin
, opiate drug synthesized from morphine (see narcotic). Originally produced in 1874, it was thought to be not only nonaddictive but useful as a cure for respiratory illness and morphine addiction, and capable of relieving morphine withdrawal symptoms.
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 or morphine from interacting with receptors for natural painkillers called endorphinsendorphins
, neurotransmitters found in the brain that have pain-relieving properties similar to morphine. There are three major types of endorphins: beta endorpins, found primarily in the pituitary gland; and enkephalins and dynorphin, both distributed throughout the nervous
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, blocking the effects of the addictive drugs and reducing the physical cravings. In controlled doses it creates its own effects of mild euphoria and drowsiness, but lasts much longer (one to two days) and does not create the sometimes fatal respiratory depression that opiates do. Its continued use as a heroin substitute eventually restores sexual, immune, and adrenal function. When methadone is given to a heroin addict who is later withdrawn from methadone, the addict will undergo methadone withdrawal instead of the more severe heroin withdrawal.

In the 1960s the doctors Marie Nyswander and Vincent Dole promoted methadone as a therapeutic tool to rehabilitate narcotics addicts. The drug is now in use in maintenance programs in the United States, Thailand, Sweden, and Hong Kong. It is used to wean the addict from heroin and thus break out of the self-destructive lifestyle. In most maintenance programs methadone is dispensed in oral form under supervision; simultaneous drug counseling and medical care have been shown to make treatment more effective.

Supporters point out that methadone maintenance, being oral, breaks the dangerous ritual of intravenous injection, that it is legal and eliminates the addict's need to engage in crime to pay for drugs, and that it gives addicts a chance to reevaluate their lives. Critics counter that methadone patients are still addicts and that methadone therapy does not help addicts with their personality problems. In many cases multiple drug use and a strong psychological dependence undermine the gains made. Some addicts manage to resell the methadone they receive in order to buy heroin; this and other illegal diversion have resulted in methadone joining the group of addictive drugs sold on the street.

In the late 1990s methadone abuse began to become a more serious problem, and the number of methadone overdoses (an indicator of the prevalence of abuse) jumped dramatically. The increase in methadone abuse was apparently caused by heroin and oxycodone (OxyContin; a prescription painkiller) addicts using methadone when they could not get other drugs, as well as by an increase in the number of so-called recreational drug users who were abusing methadone. In 2003 the FDA approved the use of buprenorphine as a substitute for methadone in the treatment of narcotic addicts. Buprenorphine is a narcotic that typically prevents withdrawal symptons in dependent drug abusers at lower doses but can cause withdrawal symptoms at higher doses. Buprenorphine may be combined with naloxone, which prevents a euphoric high if the drug is crushed and injected instead of taken orally. Levomethadyl acetate (LAAM), a long-acting drug that is chemically similar to methadone, is also used in maintenance treatment.

See drug addiction and drug abusedrug addiction and drug abuse,
chronic or habitual use of any chemical substance to alter states of body or mind for other than medically warranted purposes. Traditional definitions of addiction, with their criteria of physical dependence and withdrawal (and often an underlying
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See publications of the Drugs & Crime Data Center and Clearinghouse, the Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, and the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.


[′meth·ə‚dän] (pharmacology) C21H27NO The compound 6-(dimethylamino)-4,4-diphenyl-3-heptanone, a narcotic analgesic, administered in the hydrochloride form for maintenance treatment of heroin addiction.


, methadon a narcotic analgesic drug similar to morphine, used to treat opiate addiction. Formula: C21H27NO






Methadone is a powerful narcotic drug in the same class as heroin. This class is known as the opioids.


Methadone, formerly known as dolophine, is a psycho-active drug, meaning that it affects the mind or behavior. It belongs to the class of opioids, drugs that share some of the analgesic properties, and mimic the action of some of the body's naturally occurring chemicals called peptides, such as endorphins and enkephalines.Methadone is used to relieve chronic pain in cancer patients and as a maintenance drug to control withdrawal symptoms in people undergoing treatment for opiate addiction.In opiate addiction treatment, methadone blocks the opioid receptors of the brain that bind opiates such as heroin. The blocking of these receptors leads to two major effects:
  • because these chemical receptors remain blocked by methadone for up to 24 hours, even if a person addicted to heroin takes heroin after the administration of methadone, this person is not likely to feel the same effects of the heroin as he or she previously felt;
  • because the action of methadone is associated with slower and less intense withdrawal symptoms than those of heroin, the patient can experience milder opiate effects while the addiction is being treated and avoid the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms associated with heroin.
Methadone has also been shown to reduce cravings for heroin while not altering a person's mood.


Methadone magnifies the effects of alcohol and other central nervous system depressants, such as antihistamines, cold medicines, sedatives, tranquilizers, other prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications, barbiturates, seizure medications, muscle relaxants, and certain anesthetics including some dental anesthetics. Alcohol and other central nervous system depressants should not be taken or consumed while methadone is being taken.Methadone is a powerful narcotic. It can cause some people to feel drowsy, dizzy, or light-headed. People taking methadone should not drive a car or operate machinery.Intentional or accidental overdose of methadone can lead to unconsciousness, coma, or death. The signs of methadone overdose include confusion, difficulty speaking, seizures, severe nervousness or restlessness, severe dizziness, severe drowsiness, and/or slow or troubled breathing. These symptoms are increased by alcohol or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Anyone who feels that he or she, or someone else, may have overdosed on methadone, or a combination of methadone and other central nervous system depressants, should seek emergency medical attention for that person at once.


A typical adult dosage for methadone is 5-20 mg as an oral solution, 2.5-10 mg as an oral tablet or injection, every four to eight hours as necessary for pain. When used for detoxification, methadone is initially given in a dose of 15-100 mg per day as an oral solution. This dose is then decreased until the patient no longer requires the medication. The injection form of methadone is only used for detoxification in patients who are unable to take the medication by mouth.


No preparation is generally necessary prior to the intake of methadone as a pain reliever. In cases of maintenance treatments, it is important to be sure that the patient is not currently intoxicated by alcohol, heroin, other opioids, or taking other central nervous system depressants.


Patients receiving methadone should be monitored for adverse reactions to this drug, and/or possible accidental overdose.


Methadone can interfere with or exacerbate certain medical conditions. For these reasons, it is important that the prescribing physician be informed of any current case, or history of:
  • alcohol abuse
  • brain disease or head injury
  • colitis
  • drug dependency, particularly of narcotics
  • emotional problems
  • emphysema, asthma, or other chronic lung disease
  • enlarged prostate
  • gallstones or gallbladder disease
  • heart disease
  • kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • problems with urination
  • seizures
  • underactive thyroid

Side effects

The most common side effects of methadone include:
  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • itching
  • nausea
  • urine retention
  • vomiting
Less common side effects of methadone include:
  • abnormally fast or slow heartbeat
  • blurred or double vision
  • cold, clammy skin
  • depression or other mood changes
  • dry mouth
  • fainting
  • hallucinations
  • hives
  • loss of appetite
  • nightmares or unusual dreams
  • pinpoint pupils of the eyes
  • redness or flushing of the face
  • restlessness
  • rigid muscles
  • ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • seizure
  • severe drowsiness
  • skin reaction at the site of injection
  • stomach cramps or pain
  • sweating
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes

Normal results

Normal results after the administration of methadone to treat chronic pain is the alleviation of that patient's pain, at least to the point where the pain is bearable.Normal results of methadone treatment to control heroin addiction, is that the patient reduces heroin intake almost immediately upon starting methadone treatments, followed by complete abstinence, usually within two weeks after starting treatment.

Key terms

Analgesic — Any agent that relieves pain.Central nervous system (CNS) depressant — Any drug that tends to reduce the activity of the central nervous system. The major drug categories included in this classification are: alcohol, anesthetics, anti-anxiety medications, antihistamines, antipsychotics, hypnotics, narcotics, sedatives, and tranquilizers.Endorphins — Any of several opiate peptides naturally produced in the brain that bind to certain neuron receptors and have the effect of relieving pain.Enkephalines — Peptide produced by the body that have analgesic properties.Morphine — Morphine is the naturally occurring opioid in the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. It is a powerful narcotic analgesic, and its primary clinical use is in the management of moderately severe to severe pain. After heroin, morphine has the greatest potential for addiction of all narcotic analgesics.Narcotic — Any drug that produces insensibility or stupor and/or generally causes effects similar to those caused by morphine.Opiate — Any narcotic analgesic derived from a natural source, such as morphine from the opium poppy.Opioid receptors — Receptors located in the brain and various organs that bind opiates or opioid substances.Opioids — One of the major classes of semi or fully synthetic psycho-active drugs that includes methadone.Psychoactive drugs — Any drug that affects the mind or behavior. There are five main classes of psychoactive drugs: opiates and opioids (e.g. heroin and methadone); stimulants (e.g. cocaine, nicotine), depressants (e.g. tranquilizers, antipsychotics, alcohol), hallucinogens (e.g. LSD), and marijuana and hashish.Receptor — A molecular structure on the surface that selectively binds a specific substance resulting in a specific physiological effect.



Sadovsky, Richard. "Methadone Maintenance Therapy." American Family Physician July 15, 2000.


National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (NAMA). 435 Second Avenue, New York, NY, 10010. (212) 595-6262. http://www.methadone.org/.National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. 11426-28 Rockville Pike, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852. (800) 729-6686. http://www.health.org/.


 [meth´ah-dōn] a synthetic analgesic" >opioid analgesic with pharmacologic properties similar to those of morphine and heroin and equal potential for addiction; used as an analgesic and as a substitute opiate in the treatment of heroin addiction.


(mĕth′ə-dōn′)n. A potent synthetic narcotic drug, C21H27NO, that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs. It may also be used for chronic pain management.


A synthetic, relatively long-acting oral opioid analgesic used primarily for narcotic detoxification and controlled maintenance of heroin addiction.
Severe pain; antitussive.
Adverse effects
Lightheadedness, dizziness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, sweating, drowsiness, hypotension, decreased intestinal motility, respiratory depression.
Inducers of methadone metabolism
Phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampicin, fluconazole, some protease inhibitors—all via CYP3A4 induction.
Overdose effects
Respiratory depression, stupor, coma, loss of short-term memory.
Methadone overdose, autopsy findings
Airway obstruction, pulmonary oedema, aspiration of vomit, bronchopneumonia, cardiac arrest/failure.
Street terms
Amidone, dollies, dolls, done, fixer, fizzies, juice, juicer, medecina, meth-a-done, pixie, synthetic heroin, wafers.


Dolophine®, Methenex® Substance abuse A synthetic, relatively long-acting oral opioid analgesic Uses Severe pain; narcotic detoxification, controlled maintenance of addiction Effects ↓ intestinal motility; respiratory depression; analgesic; antitussive Overdose effects Respiratory depression, stupor, coma, loss of short-term memory. See Heroin, Opioids.


A synthetic narcotic painkilling (analgesic) drug with properties similar to those of MORPHINE. It is also used as a substitute for HEROIN in attempts to manage addiction, but is widely abused. A brand name is Physeptone.

Patient discussion about methadone

Q. I would like to chat with someone w/any knowledge of fibromyalgia being treated with Methadone my best friend has severe fibromyalgia and has been treated with Methadone for the past several years. She has developed severe chronic anemia in these years. She now has lymphoma. I want to know if she is the only one and if methadone can affect bone marrow.A. I have never ever heard or read anywhere about methadone causing anemia, nor is that something that an opiate medication would normally cause. We all have a tendency to blame everything that happens to us, health-wise, on methadone sometimes--but in this case, you probably need to look elsewhere for the cause.
the Anemia is probably due to the Lymphoma. if not-her life is out of balance, she might changed her diet and may have shortage of iron or B12.

More discussions about methadone


Related to methadone: Buprenorphine
  • noun

Synonyms for methadone

noun synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming


  • dolophine hydrochloride
  • methadon
  • methadone hydrochloride
  • synthetic heroin
  • fixer

Related Words

  • narcotic




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