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amnionitis Translationsamnionitis
amnionitis [am″ne-o-ni´tis] inflammation of the amnion, a manifestation of an intrauterine infection, often associated with prolonged membrane rupture and long labor.am·ni·o·ni·tis (am'nē-ō-nī'tis), Inflammation resulting from infection of the amniotic sac, which, in turn, often results from premature rupture of the membranes (a condition often associated with neonatal infection). [amnion + G. -itis, inflammation] am·ni·o·ni·tis (am'nē-ō-nī'tis) Inflammation resulting from infection of the amnion, which, in turn, usually results from premature rupture of the membranes (a condition often associated with neonatal infection). [amnion + G. -itis, inflammation] |