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mac·ro·glob·u·lin·e·mi·a M0015100 (măk′rō-glŏb′yə-lə-nē′mē-ə)n. A condition marked by an abnormally high concentration of macroglobulins in the blood serum.macroglobulinemiaenUK
macroglobulinemia[‚mak·rə‚gläb·yə·lə′nē·mē·ə] (medicine) Abnormal increase in macroglobulins in the blood. A disease characterized by proliferation of lymphocytes and plasmocytes and abnormally high macroglobulin blood levels. macroglobulinemiaenUK
macroglobulinemia [mak″ro-glob″u-lin-e´me-ah] increased levels of macroglobulins in the blood.Waldenström's macroglobulinemia a type of plasma cell dyscrasia with cells having lymphocytic, plasmacytic, or intermediate morphology and secreting IgM M-component. There is diffuse infiltration of bone marrow and in many cases also of the spleen, liver, or lymph nodes. The circulating macroglobulin produces symptoms of hyperviscosity syndrome: weakness, fatigue, bleeding disorders, and visual disturbances. Peak incidence is in the sixth and seventh decades.mac·ro·glob·u·lin·e·mi·a (mak'rō-glob'yū-li-nē'mē-ă), The presence of increased levels of macroglobulins in the circulating blood.macroglobulinemia (măk′rō-glŏb′yə-lə-nē′mē-ə)n. A condition marked by an abnormally high concentration of macroglobulins in the blood serum.mac·ro·glob·u·lin·e·mi·a (mak'rō-glob'yū-li-nē'mē-ă) Increased levels of macroglobulins in the blood. Synonym(s): macroglobulinaemia. |