Acronym | Definition |
OPD➣Orderline Personality Disorder |
OPD➣Oakland Police Department |
OPD➣Outpatient Department |
OPD➣Organismos Públicos Descentralizados (Spanish: Decentralized Public Organizations) |
OPD➣Optical Product Development |
OPD➣Ornamental Plaster Design (UK) |
OPD➣Organizational Psychology Division (San Diego, CA) |
OPD➣Orlando Police Department |
OPD➣Out Patient Department |
OPD➣Out-of-Plane Distortion |
OPD➣Office of the Public Defender |
OPD➣Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Florence, Italy) |
OPD➣Optical Path Difference |
OPD➣Optimized Profile Descent (aviation) |
OPD➣Online Professional Development (various organizations) |
OPD➣Operations Division (US Department of War, WWII) |
OPD➣Overfill Protection Device (propane tanks) |
OPD➣Operand |
OPD➣Offshore Product Development |
OPD➣Organizational/Professional Development |
OPD➣Ocean Power Delivery (Edinburgh, Scotland) |
OPD➣Office of Public Defense (Washington State) |
OPD➣Organizational Process Definition (Process Area; Capability Maturity Model Integration) |
OPD➣Officially Pronounced Dead |
OPD➣Officer Professional Development |
OPD➣Ontario Police Department |
OPD➣Overfilling Prevention Device (propane tanks) |
OPD➣Office of Policy Development (Department of Homeland Security) |
OPD➣Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostic |
OPD➣Obnoxious Personality Disorder |
OPD➣Odessa Police Department (Odessa, Texas) |
OPD➣Online Persian Dictionary (website) |
OPD➣Orderly Payment of Debts |
OPD➣Olympia Police Department (Olympia, WA) |
OPD➣Ortho-Phenylenediamine (chemistry) |
OPD➣Owensboro Police Department (Owensboro, KY) |
OPD➣Ocala Police Department |
OPD➣Osaka Performance Doll (Japanese band) |
OPD➣Organization Process Definition |
OPD➣OmniPage Document |
OPD➣Office of Program Development |
OPD➣Oto-Palatal-Digital Syndrome (general bone/skeletal disorder) |
OPD➣Operationalize Product Development (various companies) |
OPD➣Opelousas Police Department (Louisiana) |
OPD➣Open Panel Discussion |
OPD➣One Per Deck |
OPD➣Out Patient Door (healthcare; India) |
OPD➣Ocoee Police Department |
OPD➣Orland Police Department |
OPD➣Overcurrent Protection Device |
OPD➣Output Performance Distribution |
OPD➣Orting Police Department (Orting, Washington) |
OPD➣obsessive personality disorder |
OPD➣Outraging Public Decency (criminal charge; various jurisdictions) |
OPD➣Ocean Profile Database |
OPD➣Other Protestant Denominations |
OPD➣Audit Programs Division (DCAA) |
OPD➣Optical Proximity Detector |
OPD➣Ovideo Police Department |
OPD➣Original Promise Date |
OPD➣Over Past Due |
OPD➣Old Persons Disease |
OPD➣Obsessive Potter Disorder (humor) |