Missouri Mines State Historic Site

Missouri Mines State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Missouri
Location:In Park Hills, on the south side of Highway 32 at Flat River Driveoverpass, 1.5 miles west of Highway 67 in Saint Francois County.
Facilities:Museum, shop.
Special Features:For more than 100 years, the Old Lead Belt of Missouri provided nearly80 percent of the nation's mined lead. When Saint Joe Minerals Corp.ceased operation, its largest mine-mill complex was donated to thestate. The site features a museum with restored underground miningequipment, a display of mineral specimens, and exhibits on mininghistory.
Address:PO Box 492
Park Hills, MO 63601

Web: www.mostateparks.com/momines.htm
Size: 25 acres.

See other parks in Missouri.