


M0150400 (măth′ə-măt′ĭ-kəl) also math·e·mat·ic (-ĭk)adj.1. Of or relating to mathematics.2. a. Precise; exact.b. Absolute; certain.3. Possible according to mathematics but highly improbable: The team has only a mathematical chance to win the championship.
[Middle English, from Medieval Latin mathēmaticālis, from Latin mathēmaticus, from Greek mathēmatikos, from mathēma, mathēmat-, science, learning, from manthanein, math-, to learn; see mendh- in Indo-European roots.]
math′e·mat′i·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.mathematically - with respect to mathematicsmathematically - with respect to mathematics; "mathematically impossible"


(mӕθəˈmӕtiks) noun singular (abbreviation maths (mӕθs) , (American) math (mӕθ) ) the science or branch of knowledge dealing with measurements, numbers and quantities. 數學 数学ˌmatheˈmatical adjective1. of or done by mathematics. mathematical tables. 數學的 数学的2. very exact or accurate. mathematical precision. 精確的,數學上 精确的,数学上的 ˌmatheˈmatically adverb 精確地 精确地ˌmathemaˈtician (-ˈtiʃən) noun1. a person who is good at mathematics. For a young boy, he's quite a mathematician! 擅長數學的人 擅长数学的人2. someone who works in mathematics. He is a mathematician with a local engineering firm. 數學家 数学家