Listing, Johann Benedikt
Listing, Johann Benedikt
Born July 25, 1808, in Frankfurt-am-Main; died Dec. 24, 1882, in Göttingen. German mathematician and physicist. Professor at the University of Göttingen from 1847.
Listing is known for his studies on topology, and it was he who in 1847 proposed the term “topology” itself. In his works on geodesy, he introduced (1873) the concept of a geoid, which is fundamental to the theory and methods of the study of the earth’s form, dimensions, and structure. Listing also conducted work in optics, astronomy, and meteorology.
”Über unsere jetzige Kenntnis der Gestalt und Grösse der Erde.” Nachrichten von der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1873, pp. 33–98.In Russian translation:
Predvaritel’nye issledovaniia po topoligii. Moscow, 1932.