

单词 off



O0036800 (ôf, ŏf)adv.1. From a place or position: He walked off in a huff.2. a. At a certain distance in space or time: a mile off; a week off.b. From a given course or route; aside: The car swerved off into a ditch.c. Into a state of unconsciousness: I must have dozed off.3. a. So as to be no longer on, attached, or connected: He shaved off his mustache.b. So as to be divided: We marked off the playing field by yards.4. So as to be no longer continuing, operating, or functioning: She switched off the radio.5. So as to be completely removed, finished, or eliminated: Will the cats kill off the mice?6. So as to be in a state of sudden violent or loud activity: The firecracker went off. The alarm went off.7. So as to be smaller, fewer, or less: Sales dropped off.8. So as to be away from or not engaged in work or duty: They took a day off.9. Offstage.adj.1. a. Distant or removed; farther: the off side of the barn.b. Remote; slim: stopped by on the off chance that they're home.2. Not on, attached, or connected: with my shoes off.3. Not operating or operational: The oven is off.4. No longer taking place; canceled: The wedding is off.5. Slack: Production was off this year.6. a. Not up to standard; below a normal or satisfactory level: Your pitching is off today.b. Not accurate; incorrect: Your statistical results are off.c. Somewhat crazy; eccentric: I think that person is a little off.7. Started on the way; going: I'm off to see the president.8. a. Absent, away from, or not engaged in work or duty: She's off every Tuesday.b. Spent away from work or duty: My off day is Saturday.9. a. Being on the right side of an animal or vehicle.b. Being the animal or vehicle on the right.10. Nautical Farthest from the shore; seaward.11. Sports Toward or designating the side of the field facing the batsman in cricket.12. Off-color.prep.1. So as to be removed or distant from: The bird hopped off the branch.2. Away or relieved from: off duty.3. a. By consuming: living off locusts and honey.b. With the means provided by: living off my pension.c. Informal From: "What else do you want off me?" (Jimmy Breslin).4. Extending or branching out from: an artery off the heart.5. Not up to the usual standard of: off his game.6. So as to abstain from: went off narcotics.7. Nautical To seaward of: a mile off Sandy Hook.v. offed, off·ing, offs v.intr. To go away; leave: Off or I'll call the police.v.tr. Slang To murder.Idiom: off and on In an intermittent manner: slept off and on last night.
[Variant of Middle English of, from Old English; see apo- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: The compound preposition off of is generally regarded as informal and is best avoided in formal speech and writing: He stepped off (not off of) the platform. Off is informal as well when used to indicate a source. Formal style requires I borrowed it from (not off) my brother.


(ɒf) prep1. used to indicate actions in which contact is absent or rendered absent, as between an object and a surface: to lift a cup off the table. 2. used to indicate the removal of something that is or has been appended to or in association with something else: to take the tax off potatoes. 3. out of alignment with: we are off course. 4. situated near to or leading away from: just off the High Street. 5. not inclined towards: I'm off work; I've gone off you. adv6. (particle) so as to be deactivated or disengaged: turn off the radio. 7. (particle) a. so as to get rid of: sleep off a hangover. b. so as to be removed from, esp as a reduction: he took ten per cent off. 8. spent away from work or other duties: take the afternoon off. 9. a. on a trip, journey, or race: I saw her off at the station. b. (particle) so as to be completely absent, used up, or exhausted: this stuff kills off all vermin. 10. (Nautical Terms) out from the shore or land: the ship stood off. 11. a. out of contact; at a distance: the ship was 10 miles off. b. out of the present location: the girl ran off. 12. away in the future: August is less than a week off. 13. (particle) so as to be no longer taking place: the match has been rained off. 14. (particle) removed from contact with something, as clothing from the body: the girl took all her clothes off. 15. (Theatre) offstage: noises off. 16. (Commerce) commerce (used with a preceding number) indicating the number of items required or produced: please supply 100 off. 17. off and on on and off occasionally; intermittently: he comes here off and on. 18. off with (interjection) a command, often peremptory, or an exhortation to remove or cut off (something specified): off with his head; off with that coat, my dear. adj19. not on; no longer operative: the off position on the dial. 20. (postpositive) not or no longer taking place; cancelled or postponed: the meeting is off. 21. in a specified condition regarding money, provisions, etc: well off; how are you off for bread?. 22. unsatisfactory or disappointing: his performance was rather off; an off year for good tennis. 23. (postpositive) in a condition as specified: I'd be better off without this job. 24. (postpositive) no longer on the menu; not being served at the moment: sorry, love, haddock is off. 25. (postpositive) (of food or drink) having gone bad, sour, etc: this milk is off. n (Cricket) cricket a. the part of the field on that side of the pitch to which the batsman presents his bat when taking strike: thus for a right-hander, off is on the right-hand side. Compare leg13b. (in combination) a fielding position in this part of the field: mid-off. c. (as modifier): the off stump. vb (tr) to kill (someone)[originally variant of of; fully distinguished from it in the 17th century]Usage: In standard English, off is not followed by of: he stepped off (not off of) the platform


(ɔf, ɒf)
adv. 1. so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come off. 2. so as to be no longer covering or enclosing: Pull the wrapping off. 3. away from a place: to run off; to look off toward the west. 4. away from a path, course, etc.: The road branches off to Grove City. 5. so as to be away or on one's way: to start off early. 6. away from what is considered normal, standard, or the like: to go off on a tangent. 7. from a charge or price: Take 10 percent off for cash. 8. at a distance in space or future time: Summer is only a week off. 9. out of operation: Turn the lights off. 10. into operation or action: The alarm goes off at noon. 11. in absence from work, service, etc.: to get two days off at Christmas. 12. completely; utterly: to cut off communications. 13. to fulfillment, or into execution or effect: The contest went off as planned. 14. so as to be delineated, divided, or apportioned: Mark it off into equal parts. 15. Naut. away from the land, a ship, the wind, etc. prep. 16. so as no longer to be supported by, resting on, etc.: Wipe the dirt off your shoes. 17. deviating from: to be off course. 18. below the usual level or standard: 20 percent off the marked price. 19. away, disengaged, or resting from: to be off duty on Tuesdays. 20. refraining or abstaining from: He's off gambling. 21. located apart from: a village off the main road. 22. leading away from: an alley off 12th Street. 23. Informal. from (a specified source): I bought it off a street vendor. 24. from or of, indicating material or component parts: to lunch off fruit. 25. by means of: living off his parents. 26. Naut. at some distance to seaward of: off Cape Hatteras. adj. 27. in error; wrong: You are off on that point. 28. less than normal or sane: a little off, but harmless. 29. not up to the usual or expected standard; comparatively weak or inferior: a play with off moments. 30. affected by spoilage; bad: The cream is a bit off. 31. no longer in effect, in operation, or in process: The agreement is off. 32. in a specified state, circumstance, etc.: to be badly off for money. 33. free from work or duty: a pastime for one's off hours. 34. of less than the ordinary activity; slack: an off season in the tourist trade. 35. unlikely; remote: on the off chance that we'd find her at home. 36. more distant; farther: the off side of a wall. 37. (of a vehicle, single animal, or pair of animals hitched side by side) designating the right as seen from the rider's or driver's viewpoint (opposed to near): the off side; the off horse. 38. starting on one's way; leaving: I'm off to Europe on Monday. 39. lower in price or value; down: Stock prices were off this morning. 40. Naut. noting one of two like things that is the farther from the shore; seaward: the off side of the ship. 41. Cricket. noting that side of the wicket or of the field opposite that on which the batsman stands. n. 42. the state or fact of being off. 43. Cricket. the off side. v.i. 44. to go off or away; leave (used imperatively): Off, and don't come back! v.t. 45. Slang. to kill; slay. Idioms: 1. off and on, with intervals between; intermittently: to work off and on. Also, on and off. 2. off of, off: Take your feet off of the table! 3. off with, a. take away; remove: Off with those muddy boots! b. cut off: Off with his head! [orig. stressed variant of of1] usage: Usage guides generally reject the phrasal preposition off of as redundant, recommending off without of. The phrase, however, is relatively old in English, dating to the 16th century, and is widespread in speech, including that of the educated. off of is rare in edited writing.


a suffixal use of the adverb off, forming nouns that denote competitions, esp. to break a tie: cookoff; playoff; runoff.


1. offered. 2. office. 3. officer. 4. official.


You use off as a preposition or adverb to say that something is removed from an object or surface.

He took his hand off her arm.I knocked the clock off the bedside table.The paint was peeling off.

Off is also used as an adverb to say that someone leaves a place.

The sailors ran off.He started the motor and drove off immediately.


Part of the field to which the batsman presents the bat when taking strike; i.e., the right-hand side for a right-hander.
Verb1.off - kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"bump off, murder, slay, polish off, dispatch, remove, hitkill - cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"burke - murder without leaving a trace on the bodyexecute - murder in a planned fashion; "The Mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed"
Adj.1.off - not in operation or operational; "the oven is off"; "the lights are off"on - in operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position"
2.off - below a satisfactory level; "an off year for tennis"; "his performance was off"unsatisfactory - not giving satisfaction; "shops should take back unsatisfactory goods"; "her performance proved to be unsatisfactory"; "life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory"; "our discussion was very unsatisfactory"
3.off - (of events) no longer planned or scheduled; "the wedding is definitely off"cancelledon - (of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night"
4.off - in an unpalatable stateoff - in an unpalatable state; "sour milk"turned, soursoured - having turned bad
5.off - not performing or scheduled for duties; "He's off every Tuesday"inactive - not engaged in full-time work; "inactive reserve"; "an inactive member"
Adv.1.off - from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete)off - from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went off to school"; "they drove off"; "go forth and preach"away, fortharchaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
2.off - at a distance in space or timeoff - at a distance in space or time; "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century"away
3.off - no longer on or in contact or attached; "clean off the dirt"; "he shaved off his mustache"


adverb1. away, out, apart, elsewhere, aside, hence, from here He went off on his own.adjective1. absent, gone, unavailable, not present, inoperative, nonattendant She was off sick 27 days last year.2. cancelled, abandoned, postponed, shelved Today's game is off.3. bad, rotten, rancid, mouldy, high, turned, spoiled, sour, decayed, decomposed, putrid Food starts to smell when it goes off.4. unacceptable, poor, unsatisfactory, disappointing, inadequate, second-rate, shoddy, displeasing, below par, mortifying, substandard, disheartening Coming home drunk like that - it's a bit off, isn't it?off and on occasionally, sometimes, at times, from time to time, on and off, now and then, irregularly, on occasion, now and again, periodically, once in a while, every so often, intermittently, at intervals, sporadically, every once in a while, (every) now and again We lived together, off and on, for two years.


adjective1. Characterized by reduced economic activity:down, dull, slack, slow, sluggish, soft.2. Containing an error or errors:erroneous, fallacious, false, inaccurate, incorrect, mistaken, unsound, untrue, wrong.Idioms: all wet, in error, off base, off the mark.3. Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness:brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong.Informal: bonkers, cracked, daffy, gaga, loony.Slang: bananas, batty, buggy, cuckoo, fruity, loco, nuts, nutty, screwy, wacky.Chiefly British: crackers.Law: non compos mentis.Idioms: around the bend, crazy as a loon, mad as a hatter, not all there, nutty as a fruitcake, off one's head, off one's rocker, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, sick in the head, stark raving mad.verbSlang. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully:destroy, finish (off), kill, liquidate, murder, slay.Informal: put away.Slang: bump off, do in, knock off, rub out, waste, wipe out, zap.


(of) adverb1. away (from a place, time etc). He walked off; She cut her hair off; The holidays are only a week off; She took off her coat. 離開 离开2. not working; not giving power etc. The water's off; Switch off the light. 關掉 关掉,中止 3. not at work. He's taking tomorrow off; He's off today. 休假 休假4. completely. Finish off your work. 完成 完成5. not as good as usual, or as it should be. His work has gone off recently 劣於通常水平 劣于通常水平6. (of food) rotten. This milk has gone off – we can't drink it; (also adjective) That meat is certainly off. 腐爛 腐烂7. out of a vehicle, train etc. The bus stopped and we got off. 下車 下车8. cancelled. The marriage is off. 取消 取消 preposition1. away from; down from. It fell off the table; a mile off the coast; He cut about five centimetres off my hair. 從...離開,從...掉下 从...离开,从...掉下 2. not wanting or allowed to have (food etc). The child is off his food. 不想... 不想...3. out of (a vehicle, train etc). We got off the bus. 從...下來 从...下来ˌoff-ˈchance noun a slight chance. We waited, on the off-chance (that) he might come. 一線希望 一线希望ˌoff-ˈcolour , (American) ˌoff-ˈcolor adjective not very well. She's a bit off-colour this morning. 臉色不好的 脸色不好的ˌoffˈhand adjective acting or speaking so casually that one is being rude. offhand behaviour. 傲慢無禮的,不客氣的,隨便的 傲慢无礼的,不客气的,随便的 adverb without thinking about something first. I can't tell you the answer offhand. 未先想清楚 事先没想到地,随便地 ˌoffˈhandedly adverb 立即 立即ˌoffˈhandedness noun 立刻 立刻ˌoffˈshore adjective1. in or on the sea, not far from the coast. offshore oil-wells. 在近海的 在近海的2. (of winds) blowing away from the coast, out to sea. (風)由海岸吹向海洋的 (风)由海岸吹向海洋的 ˌoffˈside adverb (in football, hockey etc) in a position (not allowed by the rules) between the ball and the opponents' goal. The referee disallowed the goal because one of the players was offside. (足球,曲棍球等運動中的)越位 (足球、曲棍球等运动中的)越位 adjective (of a vehicle etc) on the side nearest to the centre of the road. the front offside wheel. (車、馬等的)右邊 (车、马等的)右边的 ˌoff-ˈwhite adjective not quite white, eg slightly yellow etc. an off-white dress. 米色的 米色的badly, well off poor, rich. The family was quite well off. 窮的,富的 穷的,富的 be off with you! go away!. 你走開! 你给我走开!in the offing about to happen. He has a new job in the offing. 即將發生 即将发生off and on / on and off sometimes; occasionally. I see him off and on at the club. 斷斷續續地 断断续续地the off season the period, at a hotel, holiday resort etc, when there are few visitors: It's very quiet here in the off season; adjective (etc)off-season rates. 淡季 淡季


  • Please let me off → 请让我下车
  • The oil warning light won't go off → 机油警告灯始终亮着
  • May I turn off the light? (US)
    Can I switch the light off? (UK) → 我可以关灯吗?
  • May I turn off the radio? (US)
    Can I switch the radio off? (UK) → 我可以关收音机吗?
  • I've been cut off → 线路断了
  • I can't turn the heat off (US)
    I can't turn the heating off (UK) → 暖气关不掉
  • It won't turn off → 关不掉
  • This meat is spoiled (US)
    This meat is off (UK) → 这肉变味了
  • The handle has come off → 手柄掉了
  • The door handle has come off → 门把手掉了
  • Turn it off at the mains → 关掉总闸



1. Finished with one's work for the day. Often followed by the word "work." I'll be off at 6, if you want to meet me then. I need to get these presents wrapped before my wife gets off work.2. Not attending work or school. I can't wait to be off on my vacation next month. I'm off for two weeks for Christmas, so we'll definitely hang out then!3. Not correct or accurate. Often followed by "on (something)." The measurements were a bit off, so the shelves don't fit quite right. Sorry, your guess was way off! They were off on their initial valuation by several hundred thousand dollars.4. Having begun something. Often followed by "on (something)." Dad's off on another mission to protect us innocent kids from violence in the media. I heard you're travelling to India—when are you heading off?5. Travelling (to some place). We're off to the Bahamas for the next two weeks! I heard you're travelling to India—when are you heading off?6. verb To kill someone, especially as a means of silencing or disposing of them. In this usage, the term is usually followed by a noun or pronoun. The gang offed the accountant before he could use his knowledge as leverage with the district attorney. I puked my guts out the first time I offed somebody, now it feels like second nature.

*off (work)

 and off from work; off of work 1. having left one's work at the end of the day. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) What time do you get off from work? I get off work about five o'clock. She gets off from work later than I do. 2. absent from one's work with permission. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) I think I can get off of work so I can go to the doctor. Sorry, I can't join you. Things are busy at the office, and I can't get off.


 (on something) 1. incorrect in one's planning or prediction. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) I was off on my estimates a little bit. I guess I was off too much. 2. to have started on something, such as a task or a journey. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) What time should we be off on our trip? We should be off by dawn. I'm off on my diet again. 3. Sl. to get high on some kind of drug. Max likes to get off on marijuana.


1. mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. She is truly off. 2. tv. to dispose of someone or something; to kill someone. The crooks offed the witness before the trial. 3. in. to die. (see also outed.) The guy just falls down and offs, right there on Main Street.


verbSee outedSee also: off


/out of (one's) gourd Slang Very foolish; crazy.


/out of plumb Not vertical.
  • (as) easy as falling off a log
  • (do something) or get off the pot
  • (I've) got to take off
  • (off) on a sidetrack
  • (off) on a tangent
  • (one) has to shove off
  • (one's) head off
  • (right) from the off
  • a big send-off
  • a bit off
  • a chip off the old block
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) brain
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) head
  • a little off
  • a little off Go to a bit
  • a load off (one's) feet
  • a load off (one's) mind
  • a load off feet
  • a load off mind
  • a load/weight off somebody's mind
  • a mile off
  • a one-off
  • a rousing send-off
  • a weight off (one's) mind
  • a weight off your mind
  • Adam's off ox
  • all bets are off
  • angle off
  • auction off
  • back down
  • back off
  • back off, to
  • bad off
  • badly off
  • badly off for (something)
  • bag and baggage
  • ball off
  • bar off
  • barter off
  • be (as) easy as falling off (of) a log
  • be (as) easy as rolling off (of) a log
  • be (like) water off a duck's back
  • be a chip off the old block
  • be a load off (one's) mind
  • be a weight off (one's) mind
  • be a weight off (one's) shoulders
  • be a weight off your mind
  • be a weight off your shoulders
  • be badly off
  • be badly off for (something)
  • be badly off for something
  • be better off
  • be better off dead
  • be blown off course
  • be bouncing off the walls
  • be caught off (one's) guard
  • be hot off the press
  • be laughing (one's) head off
  • be laughing your head off
  • be no skin off (one's) back
  • be no skin off (one's) nose
  • be no skin off (one's) teeth
  • be off
  • be off (one's) chump
  • be off (one's) dot
  • be off (one's) feed
  • be off (one's) food
  • be off (one's) guard
  • be off (one's) nut
  • be off (one's) rocker
  • be off (one's) trolley
  • be off base
  • be off beam
  • be off feed
  • be off for (something)
  • be off for sth
  • be off like a prom dress (in May)
  • be off sick
  • be off the (starting) blocks
  • be off the beaten path
  • be off the beaten track
  • be off the danger list
  • be off the grid
  • be off the ground
  • be off the hook
  • be off the mark
  • be off the radar
  • be off the rails
  • be off the reservation
  • be off the table
  • be off the wall
  • be off to a false start
  • be off your food
  • be off-color
  • be off-kilter
  • be on the danger list
  • be on/off the danger list
  • be on/off your guard
  • be out of (one's) head
  • be pissed off
  • be quick off the mark
  • be quick/slow off the mark
  • be rained off
  • be ringing off the hook
  • be run off (one's) feet
  • be run off your feet
  • be running around like a headless chicken
  • be rushed off (one's) feet
  • be shouting (one's) head off
  • be shouting your head off
  • be slow off the mark
  • be swept off (one's) feet
  • be thrown off balance
  • be torqued off
  • be water off a duck's back
  • be way off beam
  • be well off
  • be well off for (something)
  • be well off for something
  • be worse off
  • be/get run/rushed off your feet
  • bear off
  • bear off (of something)
  • beat off
  • beat the hell out of
  • beat the hell out of (one)
  • beat the pants off
  • beat the pants off (of) (someone)
  • beat the pants off someone
  • beat the socks off (of) (someone)
  • beaten track, (off) the
  • beg off
  • better be going
  • better off
  • better off than (someone)
  • big send-off
  • bind off
  • bit off
  • bite (one's) head off
  • bite head off
  • bite off
  • bite off more than (one) can chew
  • bite off more than can chew
  • bite off more than one can chew
  • bite off more than one can chew, to
  • bite off more than you can chew
  • bite someone's head off
  • bite someone's head off, to
  • bite/snap somebody's head off
  • blast off
  • blast off for (somewhere)
  • blast off for somewhere
  • block off
  • blow (one's) doors off
  • blow (one's) socks off
  • blow doors off
  • blow off
  • blow off (some) steam
  • blow off some steam
  • blow off steam
  • blow off steam, to
  • blow off the map
  • blow someone/something off
  • blow someone’s doors off
  • blow the doors off
  • blow the doors off (something)
  • blow the lid off
  • blow the lid off (something)
  • blow the lid off something
  • blow/knock somebody's socks off
  • bog off
  • boo (one) off (the) stage
  • boo off the stage
  • bore the pants off (of) (one)
  • bore the pants off of
  • bore to death
  • bounce an idea off (of) (one)
  • bounce an idea off someone
  • bounce off
  • bounce off (of) (someone or something)
  • bounce off the walls
  • bounce something off of someone
  • bounce something off someone
  • branch off
  • brass off
  • brass someone off
  • brassed off
  • break off
  • breeze off
  • bring off
  • brown off
  • brown someone off
  • browned off
  • brush off
  • brush-off
  • buck off
  • bug off
  • Bug off!
  • bum (something) off (someone)
  • bum off
  • bum something off someone
  • bump off
  • bump someone off
  • bundle off
  • bunk off
  • burn off
  • bustle off
  • buy (something) off the shelf
  • buy off
  • buy, get, etc. something off the shelf
  • buzz off
  • cadge (something) off (someone)
  • cadge from
  • cadge something from someone
  • cadge something off someone
  • call off
  • call off the dogs
  • call off the/(one's) dogs
  • call the dogs off
  • can see (from) a mile off
  • can talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey
  • can talk the legs off an iron pot
  • can't keep (one's) eyes off (of) (someone or something)
  • can't keep (one's) hands off (someone)
  • can't take (one's) eyes off (of) (someone or something)
  • can't take your eyes off someone/something
  • cap it (all) off
  • cap it all
  • cap it all off
  • cap off
  • carry (someone) off their feet
  • carry off
  • cart off
  • cast aside
  • cast off
  • catch (one) off guard
  • catch (someone) off balance
  • catch off guard
  • catch one off
  • catch somebody off guard
  • catch someone off guard
  • chalk (something or someone) off
  • chalk off
  • change off
  • channel (something) off
  • channel off
  • charge (something) off as (something)
  • charge off
  • charge off as
  • charm the pants off
  • charm the pants off (one)
  • chase off
  • check off
  • cheese off
  • cheese someone off
  • cheesed off
  • chew off
  • chip off
  • chip off the old block
  • chip off the old block, a
  • choke off
  • chop off
  • claw off
  • clean off
  • clear off
  • clear out
  • close off
  • cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
  • Come in and sit a spell
  • come off
  • come off it
  • Come off it!
  • come off second best
  • come off the fence
  • come off worse
  • come off worst
  • comfortably off
  • conk off
  • cool down
  • cool off
  • cooling-off period
  • cordon off
  • cough (one's) head off
  • cough head off
  • count off
  • cross off
  • cry off
  • curtain off
  • cut (one) down in (one's) prime
  • cut (one) off at the pass
  • cut (one) off in (one's) prime
  • cut (one) off without a penny
  • cut (one's) nose off to spite (one's) face
  • cut (one's) water off
  • cut nose off to spite face
  • cut off
  • cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face
  • cut off at the pass
  • cut off at the pass, to
  • cut off from the (outside) world
  • cut off nose to spite face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face, to
  • cut off with a cent
  • cut off with a shilling
  • cut off with(out) a shilling/cent
  • cut off without a penny
  • cut off your nose to spite your face
  • cut someone off in their prime
  • cut water off
  • cut-off point
  • dab (something) off
  • dab off
  • damp off
  • dash a note off
  • dash off
  • dash off (somewhere)
  • day off
  • die off
  • dine off
  • dine off (something)
  • dink off
  • dink someone off
  • disappear off the face of the earth
  • disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
  • dive off
  • do a takeoff on (someone or something)
  • don't cut off your nose to spite your face
  • don't that take the rag off the bush!
  • don't that tear the rag off the bush!
  • dork off
  • doze off
  • drain off
  • draw off
  • drift off
  • drift off to sleep
  • drive off
  • drop off
  • drop off the hooks
  • drop off the radar
  • drop out of
  • dry off
  • dust off
  • dust off the batter
  • dust someone off
  • ease off
  • easier than falling off a log
  • easier than rolling off a log
  • easy as A, B, C
  • easy as ABC/pie/falling off a log
  • easy as falling off a log
  • easy as pie
  • easy as rolling off a log
  • eat (something) off
  • eat high off the hog
  • eat off
  • egg on one's face, to have/wipe off the
  • face off
  • face-off
  • fake off
  • fall away
  • fall off
  • fall off (one's) perch
  • fall off a lorry
  • fall off a truck
  • fall off the back of a lorry
  • fall off the back of a truck
  • fall off the cabbage truck
  • fall off the map
  • fall off the perch
  • fall off the radar
  • fall off the roof
  • fall off the turnip truck
  • fall off the wagon
  • far off the mark
  • faraway look
  • far-off look
  • feed off
  • feed off (of) (someone or something)
  • fence (someone or something) off from (something)
  • fence off
  • fend off
  • fight off
  • file away
  • file off
  • file off Go to file
  • file off the serial number(s)
  • finish off
  • fire off
  • first off
  • first off/up
  • fish or cut bait
  • flake away
  • flake off
  • flake off of
  • flake off of (something)
  • flash off
  • flick off
  • fling off
  • fling off (of) (someone or something)
  • fling off of (oneself)
  • fling off of oneself
  • flip off
  • flip someone off
  • fly off
  • fly off at a tangent
  • fly off the handle
  • fly off the handle, to
  • fly off with
  • fly off with (someone or something)
  • flying colors, come off with
  • fob (someone or something) off
  • fob (someone or something) off on (someone or something)
  • fob off
  • foist (someone or something) off
  • foist off
  • foist off on
  • foist off on (one)
  • for a kick-off
  • force (someone or something) off (of) (something)
  • force (someone or something) off on (someone )
  • force off
  • freeze (one's) tail off
  • freeze tail off
  • fresh off the boat
  • frighten away
  • frighten off
  • frighten the hell out of
  • frighten the pants off (of) (one)
  • front off
  • front off about something
  • gaze (off) into space
  • get (one) off the hook
  • get (one's) hands off (something or someone)
  • get (one's) kit off
  • get (one's) nuts off
  • get (one's) rocks off
  • get (one's) rocks off on (something)
  • get (something) off (one's) chest
  • get (something) off one's chest, to
  • get (something) off pat
  • get (something) off the ground
  • get (something) off the shelf
  • get a load off (one's) feet
  • get a load off (one's) mind
  • get a load off one’s feet
  • get a load off one’s mind
  • get it off
  • get it off with
  • get it off with (someone)
  • get off
  • get off (one's) back
  • get off (one's) backside
  • get off (one's) bike
  • get off (one's) bumper
  • get off (one's) butt
  • get off (one's) case
  • get off (one's) high horse
  • get off (one's) rear
  • get off (one's) tail
  • get off a few good ones
  • get off at
  • get off at (some place)
  • Get off case!
  • get off chest
  • get off easy
  • get off high horse
  • get off it
  • Get off it!
  • get off light
  • get off lightly
  • get off my back
  • Get off my back!
  • Get off my bumper!
  • Get off my tail!
  • get off on
  • get off on (something)
  • get off on something
  • get off on the right foot
  • get off on the wrong foot
  • get off one’s rear
  • get off one's duff
  • get off one's tail
  • get off scot-free
  • get off somebody's back



Cricketa. the part of the field on that side of the pitch to which the batsman presents his bat when taking strike: thus for a right-hander, off is on the right-hand side b. a fielding position in this part of the field c. (as modifier): the off stump


[ȯf] (engineering) Designating the inoperative state of a device, or one of two possible conditions (the other being “on”) in a circuit.


On drawings, abbr. for “office.”


OFFOur Favorite Family (The Simpsons)
OFFOffensive Rebound (basketball)
OFFObject File Format (computing)
OFFOffutt AFB, NE (Airport Code)
OFFOriental Fruit Fly
OFFOffshore Forecast (meteorology)
OFFOregon Firearms Federation (est. 1998)
OFFOrganic Food Federation
OFFOracle Federal Financials
OFFOnline File Folder
OFFObject File Format
OFFOnly for Fun
OFFOkanogan Family Faire (Tonasket, WA)
OFFOperating Funds Flow
OFFOut for Fame
OFFOn For Flight
OFFOur Famous Family (Simpsons)
OFFOnly From Farlex


  • all
  • adv
  • adj
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for off

adv away


  • away
  • out
  • apart
  • elsewhere
  • aside
  • hence
  • from here

adj absent


  • absent
  • gone
  • unavailable
  • not present
  • inoperative
  • nonattendant

adj cancelled


  • cancelled
  • abandoned
  • postponed
  • shelved

adj bad


  • bad
  • rotten
  • rancid
  • mouldy
  • high
  • turned
  • spoiled
  • sour
  • decayed
  • decomposed
  • putrid

adj unacceptable


  • unacceptable
  • poor
  • unsatisfactory
  • disappointing
  • inadequate
  • second-rate
  • shoddy
  • displeasing
  • below par
  • mortifying
  • substandard
  • disheartening

phrase off and on


  • occasionally
  • sometimes
  • at times
  • from time to time
  • on and off
  • now and then
  • irregularly
  • on occasion
  • now and again
  • periodically
  • once in a while
  • every so often
  • intermittently
  • at intervals
  • sporadically
  • every once in a while
  • (every) now and again

Synonyms for off

adj characterized by reduced economic activity


  • down
  • dull
  • slack
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • soft

adj containing an error or errors


  • erroneous
  • fallacious
  • false
  • inaccurate
  • incorrect
  • mistaken
  • unsound
  • untrue
  • wrong

adj afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness


  • brainsick
  • crazy
  • daft
  • demented
  • disordered
  • distraught
  • dotty
  • insane
  • lunatic
  • mad
  • maniac
  • maniacal
  • mentally ill
  • moonstruck
  • touched
  • unbalanced
  • unsound
  • wrong
  • bonkers
  • cracked
  • daffy
  • gaga
  • loony
  • bananas
  • batty
  • buggy
  • cuckoo
  • fruity
  • loco
  • nuts
  • nutty
  • screwy
  • wacky
  • crackers
  • non compos mentis

verb to take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully


  • destroy
  • finish
  • kill
  • liquidate
  • murder
  • slay
  • put away
  • bump off
  • do in
  • knock off
  • rub out
  • waste
  • wipe out
  • zap

Synonyms for off

verb kill intentionally and with premeditation


  • bump off
  • murder
  • slay
  • polish off
  • dispatch
  • remove
  • hit

Related Words

  • kill
  • burke
  • execute

adj not in operation or operational


  • on

adj below a satisfactory level

Related Words

  • unsatisfactory

adj (of events) no longer planned or scheduled


  • cancelled


  • on

adj in an unpalatable state


  • turned
  • sour

Related Words

  • soured

adj not performing or scheduled for duties

Related Words

  • inactive

adv from a particular thing or place or position ('forth' is obsolete)


  • away
  • forth

Related Words

  • archaicism
  • archaism

adv at a distance in space or time


  • away




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